🦋𝑃𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑘𝑖𝑛 𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑢𝑖𝑡🦋

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Ella was quite relieved to be back in her carriage as the overall situation regarding the timespan of the transfiguration spells was quite severe but now there was something else that Ella and her friends had to decipher a solution to and that was how to avoid the royal court as they were speedily chasing after them all in her trail and what were they to now do? Would they return home in time and what should happen if Ella's family were to catch her somewhat in her tracks? These were all of the many things that came into Ella's mind and as for her animal friends, they completely laid their worries on Ella instead of themselves for she was their dearest friend...

As Ella's carriage made its way towards the town since this was the route it had taken before on the journey from her home and to the palace, in the distance there was an archway in which they had to pass under to go through the town and right above the stone archway there was a grand clock. As Ella was still making her way towards the town the clock was about to begin chiming to mark the time of midnight, the gears began to operate and bring up the little worker embellishments as they were built into the clock to use their miniature sledgehammers to knock the bell to produce the echoes of the night median and that they did, the two miniature ornamentations raised their sledgehammers and strongly struck the bell to produce the sound of the first stroke of midnight, which travelled through the night and could be heard to all those by the bridge in which Ella and the king's court had just begun to cross, Ella quickly began to worry as she had no idea on how the spell would begin to reverse and what was to be returned first, was it going to be the carriage wheels, the coach, footmen posts or even the mice? These were all the things which had crossed Ella's mind and so much more, she did however not allow herself to even think of what would happen if her family had gotten home before she did. Soon not a brief moment later the second stroke began to reverberate, Ella briskly made her way to the carriage window to see if anything had happened yet, she first looked to her left and then to her right side and so far everything and everyone was still strongly intact. Ella told Mr Goose to please hurry once more as it was quite urgent, he tried his best, so he tried to put in much more of a grander effort. They had now made their way by the country cliffs and now Ella could hear the sound of the waves crashing into the rocks down below and this was paired with the neigh of the horses and the sound of the reins moving roughly through the air simultaneously. The speed at which they had been travelling was quite rapid so much so that as Mr Goose directed the horses to make a sharp right turn since they were quite close to the cliff edge, the carriage was driven right to the very rim of the ground due to the vastness of the resulting colossal motion and since Ella was sitting inside she was propelled towards the window and as she looked out she caught a sent from the salty fresh ocean breeze and after realizing she looked beneath her and she saw the ocean right before her, the immense space between her and the ground below seemed awfully agonising should she be in such a situation to reach the bottom and collide with the sharp rocks. She immediately fell back out of shock and sat in a quick moment of fear.

Soon the third stroke had echoed through the night and at last Ella's carriage had reached the entrance of the town, they swiftly entered under the archway, and then another chime could be heard and soon another. The king's court had also managed to catch up to Ella as there was not as much of a great distance between them as there was shortly before, "You there! Stop in the name of the king!" The Grand Duke shouted to her but she had no choice but to continue moving onwards. Mr Lizard had heard the Grand Duke and looked behind from his post and quickly thought of a way in which they might lose the royal king's court, he shouted in fear and as he did so another chime from the clock echoed through the night, then soon after the seventh chime of midnight echoed and it was now the second sign of Fairy Godmother's magic wearing off as Mr Lizard's tailcoat had started to turn back into that of a normal lizard's tail instead, the two flaps of it slowly morphed into one and became slightly slimmer with each passing second. As the carriage made its way to the other end of the township the eighth echo began, Mr Lizard noticed a lever right at the right side of the town entrance and he quickly put two and two together, he realized that if timed right he could pull it towards him and as a result the gate would close behind them and the king's court would not be able to follow them any longer. They were now coming towards the lever and there was only one chance to do this, so in one swift motion once they neared it he turned his body so that he could firmly grasp the beam by wrapping his tail around it and he had managed to hook his tail just so, even though the motion of the carriage was enough to draw the lever closer toward him he still pulled on it slightly just to be certain. Thankfully his infallible plan had worked, the heavy metal gate had come falling down and as it did so the ninth chime could be heard by Ella and her friends "Please Mr Goose do hurry we haven't much time left," she said worryingly to him, back at the village the Grand Duke and his gathering were forced to stay behind. He was quite frustrated and demanded that someone open the gate that very instant and two of his members had gotten off their horses and hurried to the shut gate to see what their possible options were.

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