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It was 6 in the morning and Parvati was wide awake,
she had freshened up and now was taking a tray to the prince's room. The tray had a protein shake and a toast, the meal he ways after hitting gym.

She entered the room and as usual it wad empty, he must be in the gym, she thought and kept the tray on the coffee table and covered it with a plate. She saw the mess around the room and started arranging the room when someone barged in.

She dropped her work and looked at the entrance, she biwed looking at him "Good morning, Sir" she said and go a 'hmm' in return.

Aadhiren was about to walk in the restroom when Parvati stopped him "Should I iron your clothes for today sir?" she asked poliety still bowing her head "Uh yes and prepare the blue one" he said walking in the bathroom.

Parvati nodded to herself and went in the closet and took out the royal blue suit from the closet and statyed ironing it. 'today must a important meeting' she thought because he was wearing blue and brand new coat which he usually does on special occasions.

Parvati hanged the suit in the closet and then walked out.
She closed the closet door and the sight in front of her baffled her. Aadhiren was standing in front of her with a towel hung low on his waist and his upper body on display. His back was facing her so he wouldn't see her standing there with tomato red cheeks.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THAT THEY MOVED THE MEETING?" he shouted at his phone and Parvati flinched. "I don't fucking care" he ended the call and threw his phone on the bed and anger was rising. His chest was rising and falling from the screaming.

He turned around running a hand through his hair and a few water droplets fell indicating his hair were still wet. He saw Parvati standing there like a statue.

She panicked and immediately looked down fidgeting her fingers "What are doing here?" he asked her and she was unable to answer

"" her nerves didn't allow her to answer and words couldn't find the way to her mouth.

"WHAT?" he shouted stepping forwards which made her take two steps back hitting her back to the door and she crumpled her body into the wall more to make herself invisible. "I-I was-" she began but he didn't let me complete.

"Get the fuck out" he spoke in a low voice and Parvati nodded bowing to him and wasting no time in running out of the room.


Parvati breathe heavily and was heaving due to her run from the master's room to the kitchen. She kept her hand on her chest to calm herself.

"Paro, come here and make tea for YOUR sir" Aditi said emphasizing on 'your' and Parvati frowned. "You don't have to say it like that..and I jave other things to do as well why don't you ask someone else to make tea for him?"
Parvati said keeping the pan with water on the stove.

"Because I did one time when you were sick and he made a whole fuss about it" Aditi said and Parvati chuckled internally.


It was a Sunday morning, Parvati was still asleep in the servant quarters and whose fault was that? Her's? No Aadhiren's!! He came home late and drunk last night so she had to wait for him and then handle his drunkened form and it was not easy.

Everyone was doing their assigned chores and Parvati was having her night's sleep in the morning. Unfortunately her deep slumber was broken when Aditi rushed in the room.

"Paro paro paroo!!!" She says shouting and heaving due to all the running. Parvati rubbed her eyes and immediately sat up "What? What's wrong?" She asks and Aditi takes a few breaths before speaking "Hukum sa-" she says and then takes a deep breath again "He is asking for you and he is angry" she says and Parvati stood up from the floor. "Very angry'' Aditi continues while Parvati takes her dupatta and combs her hair.

She practically runs towards his room and knocks on the door ''What??" She hears a sour voice and flinches. She enters inside and sees him sitting on his desk chair with his hand on his head, the room was a mess but she had just cleaned it last night, a few hours ago. He had thrown things around in anger, it's the worst kind. "Sir, you called for me?" She says tasting her own morning breath-it was horrible.

He looks up hearing her voice and gives her sharp looks. If looks could kill she would have died "Where were you!!" He says and she gulps and looks down, not wanting to meet his hot gaze. "Say something!" He roars again and Parvati didn't know what to answer "What happened sir?? Did you need something" she says with all the courage while glancing at him a little.

"I asked for coffee and I got this crap. Then I asked for the hangover soup and they gave me a bowl with water and salt" he says in a frustrated voice, making her feel like she is at fault. First his head ache from all the drinking and then the servant's cooking. He only likes the food made from her hands, he is used to it. He had been eating her hand's food for years now.

Parvati sighs and looks down again, "Sorry sir, I will make you some right now" she says taking away the tray infront of him

Back to Present

Parvati did her other chores and once the breakfast was made, they all waited for the Rani and her son to appear before the dinner table to serve them.

The queen came and sat on the chair at the right of the head chair as the head chair belongs to the prince. The servants served her and she began and just when the clock clicked on 8:00, he came down and sat on the head chair.

"Good morning Ma" he wishes her first and kissed her cheeks before sitting. "Good Morning beta, did you sleep well?" she asks him and he nodded. Parvati brought in his food and placed the items in front of him with an empty plate for him to serve himself.

An external person would find in very extraordinary but to the people living there for a while, it was the most common thing.

"I have arranged your meeting with the Kumar's daughter today afternoon so come home early" his mother says taking a sip from her juice.

Aadhiren drops his folk and knife "I told you I am not interested in marriage at the moment" he says taking a bite of his breakfast.

"Just talk to her, she is a nice girl and comes from a very reputed family'' his mother says again, resulting him to get him. "Fine" she says and collects his upper coat.

"You haven't even touched your food" his mother says and he shrugged "I have lost my appetite" he says and walks out.

"Pack him lunch" his mother says to Parvati and she nods waking out with him.
"What should I pack you for lunch sir?" she asks him before he enters his car.
"Anything" he says and sat inside his luxury black car in which you could see your reflection.

Parvati nodded and bowed as he left. She then straighten up and sighed seeing him get out of sight.
Thanks for Reading<33

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