Chapter 27

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Drews POV:





I don't know how to describe the pain in my chest the moment Olivia left my house yesterday afternoon. It was like someone plunged their hand into my chest and ripped my heart out. It's still beating but every few minutes or so they stab it with a knife to make sure the pain won't end.

After she left I cried. I cried so hard I thought I'd never stop. The agony from the thoughts of losing both Olivia and Rory from one conversation hit me so hard and so fast I didn't think I'd survive. I couldn't breathe.

After an hour or so I was curled up in a ball on my bed when I received a text from Chris saying Olivia hadn't shown up at the plane. Olivia may have hurt me over and over again, but that doesn't make me care about her any less. I sat up worried and called her. She didn't answer. My thoughts started going crazy and images of her and Rory hurt or taken took over my brain and made my heart speed up.

So I text her to see if she was okay.

She answered back almost immediately which calmed my nerves but not my heart. She was at the airport with no protection.

I told her Chris would meet her at the terminal then called a friend at security in the terminal itself.

"Drew? What's up?" He answered.

"Hey Daryl, I need you to do me a favor."

"Name it." He said happily.

"Can you please go over to the departure gate for the next flight to Vegas and make sure Olivia Wells and her daughter aren't messed with?" I asked in a hurried voice.

"Uh yeah, no problem."

"Try not to let her see you. Just watch from a distance."

"Okay Drew. Is everything okay?" He asked.

"It's fine. Thanks Daryl I owe you." I said.

I hung up the phone and sat back in the bed texting Chris, telling him to meet Olivia at the terminal.

I put my phone down and laid back on my bed and closed my eyes. The heavy crying had caused a massive headache to form and I was starting to think I was just destined to be in pain.

I laid there diminished. Nothing I've ever done or wanted to do matters anymore. All that mattered was Olivia, and she's gone.

I laid there in my empty state for another hour trying to convince my headache to go away. When I realized that it wasn't going to happen I pulled myself out of bed, washed my face and went in search of Carli.

I found her in the kitchen eating dinner with Julie.

"Hey Drew. We saved you some spaghe..." Julie started but stopped as soon as she saw my face. She stood up and walked over to me wrapping her arms around me.

"What happened?" She asked softly as she continued to hold me.

I couldn't bring myself to hug her back, I just stood there tired and empty.

"She left. I asked her to move in with me and she left." I shrugged. It was like my voice was stuck on monotone.

Julie leaned back and looked into my eyes with concern.

"Drew. It's gonna be okay. You guys just need to talk it out like you always do." Julie said with an encouraging smile. Carli was now at her side staring at me confused.

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