Chapter 4

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Drews POV:

I woke up to my alarm blaring at me.  I rolled over and turned it off. My phone read  5 am.

Maybe I can just skip a day of working out.......... I laid in bed contemplating sleeping in until the thought of doing a scene with my shirt off popped into my head.

"Fuuuuuuccck" I groaned then got out of bed. I threw on a pair of leggings a black sports bra and put a white crop top over it. I tied my hair up and put a black hat on. The less recognizable I am the better.

I walked out of my room and the security Gaurd that was posted on the couch stood up.

"Miss line." He said nodding at me.

"I'd like to go to the gym." I said lazily.

I've gotten used to the constant security detail whenever I go on film related trips. Press tours can get a little crazy.

"Yes miss." The man said. He walked over to the door and opened it for me revealing another guard standing outside the door.

The first guy walked in front of me through the hotel all the way to the gym. It's kinda hard to remain inconspicuous when a 250 pound guy in black is escorting me through the lobby. The good news is it's only 6 am so there aren't many people walking around.

When we finally made it the guard stood  by the door and I walked in putting my ear buds in. I went straight to the tread mill ignoring everything else.

I think best while I'm running.

I started a steady pace and cranked the volume up on my music.


The Olivia I have loved for 5 years has a little Olivia running around.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest but kept running.

I wish she would've told me........ I would've been there for her. I could've helped her. Taken care of her........

Olivia doesn't want to be taken care of.......

Fuck! The least I could've done is hold her hand and tell her everything would be okay!

To think that she went through a whole pregnancy and delivery alone almost made me break down on the treadmill.

I shook my head to unscramble my thoughts.

Olivia is a strong woman. If she wanted help she would've reached out. But she didn't . She didn't reach out for 3 years.....

I jammed my finger on the buttons to make me run faster.

Maybe she doesn't want me in the kids life. Maybe that's why she didn't tell me. She doesn't want to confuse her.

My heart tightened in my chest.

Olivia was the center of my world for 2 years. I trusted her with every fiber of my being. It breaks my heart thinking she wouldn't trust me with her child.

Chill Drew. Stop making shit up in your head. Maybe I should just talk to her........ we are both adults.......

I finished my run at 7 am and was escorted back to my room. I showered and changed into a black collared dress with no sleeves. By the time I was finished it was 8 and Carli was rushing around the hotel suite barking orders at people that arrived.

"Good morning Ugly." She said kissing my cheek and handed me a coffee cup.

"Morning Carl." I said taking the cup. "Why is everyone scrambling around?"

"You have a last second zoom interview with GQ. They want to put it on their YouTube so you need to get to hair and makeup while they set up."

"Ughhhh." I groaned. "I'm sick of interviews."

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