Chapter 9

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Olivia's POV:

Drews Instagram posts have sent my body into fight or flight mode.

She has posted 3 times in the last 5 days and every one of them is a picture of her and Jenna Ross doing something adorable together. Naturally, I went to this so-called Jenna's page, and her last 5 posts are of the two of them kissing in different places.

It made me want to throw up seeing Drew like that with another woman. I know we aren't in a relationship, but I can't help it. She was mine first. I've seen pictures of her with other people throughout the years and it hurt, but now that we are talking again these pictures feel like they are killing me.

She did tell me not to believe everything I read, but then she posted a picture of the two of them a day later.

She also hasn't called me since Christmas. I have been tempted to call her, but she's a famous movie star. She's probably busy. I also don't want to seem desperate and drive her away. Even if Drew doesn't want to be together, I still want her in my life. Even if that's as friends.

The only communication we've had was a text she sent me with the details on when the driver will be here to pick us up today.

Maybe I'm just overthinking everything. Like usual.

"Mama, we go on airpwane now?" Rory asked as she ran into the room.

"Yes baby. Someone's coming to take us to the airport right now." I smiled and scooped her into my arms. I couldn't help it so I planted ten little quick kisses all over her face, making her giggle.

"Mommy! No kisses!" She yelled, still giggling.

"Too bad you aren't in charge." I grinned, laying her on the couch and pinning kisses all over her face as she squealed and giggled.

There was a knock on the door which made me stop what I was doing. Must be the driver.

"Okay Ro, put your back pack on please." I said pointing at her purple bag on the floor with her toys in it.

"Okay mama." She said happily.

I walked towards the door with a smile on my face. I'm actually really excited about this trip. Rory is going to have so much fun and I get to hang out with Drew for a few days.

I opened the door for the driver, only to come face to face with Drew. The smile on my face vanished and I stared at her in confusion.

"Surprise!" She said with a shy smile.

I took a second to take in her appearance. First thing I should say is Drew Line is soooo fine. She has been since the day I met her. She's wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans with white converse on her feet. She has on a grey hoodie and her hair is in its natural form, waving around a gorgeous face that has a pair of ray bans on it. She looks so casual and relaxed and it's extreme sexy.

"Drew! I thought you were sending a driver?"

"I was going to, but I had some time and wanted to do it myself."

I stared at her in awe for a second. She wants to spend more time with us?

"Dwew!" Rory exclaimed, running into the entry way. She shoved past my legs and Drew bent down just in time to catch my crazy toddler.

"Hi princess! I missed you."

"I'm not a pwincess Dwew." She said shaking her finger in her face while Drew continued holding her.

"Okay, what are you then?" Drew asked smiling at her.

"I'm a wace car dwiver." Rory said proudly.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Do you have a super cool race car?" Drew asked her, acting shocked.

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