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"Your friend is incredibly talkative, I think she just wouldn't have stopped talking yesterday if I hadn't intervened" Sam said as I locked her office door.

"Yeah, I know" I chuckled with a confused expression, wondering why she'd make such a comment out of the blue.

"Being in here reminded me I wanted to tell you" she probably noticed my face. "We didn't talk much yesterday evening" she joked with a smirk. She wasn't wrong.

"Right" I giggled, sitting in her lap. "I almost fell asleep during class earlier because of how little I slept"

"Come on, we were done by midnight" she shook her head with a laugh, kissing the top of my head.

"Whatever. Mei thought I wasn't well or something"

"Hm, you're more than well I'd say" she smirked.

"I am. Just sleepy" I shrugged, resting my head on her shoulder. "At least she won't notice if I'm tired at work because she's so busy with Sarah. I really deserve a raise for just putting up with all of that. But I'm happy for them"

"Does Sarah know your friend kissed you and confessed her feelings for you just a few months ago?"

"Oh god, will you ever let that go?" I looked up.

"I'm just asking out of curiosity" she grinned.

"You're so hot when you get jealous" I laughed, pressing my lips on hers.

"Don't you start again" she let out a huff.

"Well, you asked in the first place. Just appreciate me calling you hot and accept the fact that you're jealous after months of denying it" I teased.

"Yeah, yeah" she playfully rolled her eyes at me. "If that hadn't happened we probably would have taken longer to get together anyway, so I'm glad it did"

"Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself there" I joked.

"No but really, I don't think I would have kissed you that evening if you hadn't stormed into my flat the day before"

"Hm, if you say so" I shrugged. "Anyway, I have no idea if Sarah knows. It's not my business, I guess"

"True. It'd just be fun to know" she chuckled.

"I honestly don't think she does, or she wouldn't be so friendly with me" I giggled. "But I wouldn't be surprised if she did"

"You think she picked up on it?"

"Yeah, I mean, I told Maya a while ago and-" I stopped myself. I really needed to think before saying something. Shit. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright" she just said, without the weird disgusted look on her face she'd usually have when that name came up. "Yeah, she probably knows then. You'd tell Vic if you knew something like that, wouldn't you?"

"You have a point" I admitted. "Whatever, it's not relevant anyway"

"I was just curious" she chuckled, placing a hand on my thigh.

"And as I said, you look hot when you're jealous" I playfully said with a smirk.

"What's up with you these days? Calling me hot all of the time"

"It's just the truth. Maybe I'm ovulating or something" I giggled.

"Well, I thank your ovulation for the confidence boost" she shrugged, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Please, you know you're hot" I shifted my position so I could grip her hips as I kissed her again.

I'd been gaining an amount of confidence in how I behaved with Sam I never really had before, since I'd mostly always wait for her to initiate things.

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