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"Yeah, room 216. That would be great, thanks" was the first thing I heard as I woke up the next morning.

I opened my eyes to see Sam still in her pajamas, which were probably more expensive than any of my clothes, talking on the room's phone. I waited until she hung up to say anything.

"Good morning" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. The bed we'd slept in was the most comfortable bed I'd ever been on.

"Oh, morning" she said, walking towards the bed. "You sleep well?"

"Incredibly" I sat up. "You?"

"Same" she kissed me. "I ordered us some breakfast, if that's alright"

"Of course. Thanks" I smiled. "I wish we didn't have to leave today"

"Me too. Let's book another night here" she joked, as I made some space for her to sit next to me.

"I wouldn't even oppose that if I didn't start working tomorrow" I sighed. The weekend had been useful for me to wind down before entering a possibly stressful period of my life.

"Oh shit, I almost forgot. How are you feeling about it?"

"Pretty good. I only have some kind of training for the first week anyway"

"That'll give you time to get used to it, then" she sat cross-legged in the space I'd left for her.

"I guess so. You'll come and see me, though, won't you?" I pouted, looking up to her face.

"For sure. It's so near to campus that it'll give an excuse to have a pause from work"

"So you're saying that if I wasn't next to campus you wouldn't come?"

"Of course I would. I'd come and see you even if you were on the opposite side of the city, if I'm being honest" she chuckled, lifting my chin to kiss me.

Hearing her say that caused my cheeks to feel suddenly much warmer. I hadn't blushed right in front of her in a while. Or if I had, I didn't notice.

Thinking about it, I probably blushed as I was talking to her in the pool because that was just what happened whenever I opened up to someone.

I wasn't planning on saying those things aloud for a while because I wasn't even sure about them, but I felt so safe in her arms that it all came out. My brain would always go in a weird mode in which I couldn't really filter what came out of my mouth around her.

"I would too" I said in a softer voice.

"Also, uhm, about what you said yesterday evening. We didn't really have much time to talk about it, I guess" she chuckled, probably unintentionally. But she wasn't wrong, the whole situation's mood changed quite quickly in that pool. And in our bed, later on. "I just wanted to let you know that I support you no matter what again. And that I'm glad you felt like sharing such a personal thing"

"Thank you so much" I smiled, pecking the tip of her nose, which caused her to laugh because she was usually the one to do that.

"Copying me now, huh?" she raised an eyebrow.

"More like learning. You are my professor after all"

"Don't ever make that joke again, please" she shook her head as we burst out laughing.

We suddenly got startled by the sound of the doorbell, the both of us slightly jumping on the mattress.

"That would be breakfast" Sam got up, walking towards the door as if nothing had happened.

I always wondered how she could walk like a literal model on a catwalk even that early in the morning.

"We're allowed to stay until late afternoon, by the way. We could just chill in the hot tub here, even if it's not as scenic as in the nighttime. And we could have lunch in the rooftop restaurant, since the weather is really nice today" she said, balancing a fancy tray on the bed.

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