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The party was great. Better than I expected. Well, I wasn't really expecting much since I'd never been really enthusiastic about that kind of stuff.

I'd never felt so free of worries and like I just wanted to have fun before, but it felt quite amazing. I knew it was because by the time an hour had passed I'd already had three drinks, also something I'd never done before.

But everyone there, Mei included, seemed to be drinking. I suspected most people were actually over 21. I just wanted to fit in and also feel as great as they appeared to be feeling.

Everything started to get blurry at one point, I could only hear the loud beat of the music that was playing and my body suddenly started swaying to it by itself, as if I wasn't in control of it for a while. In a good way.

I stuck with Mei for most of the time, met some of her friends, we played games like beer-pong and spin the bottle, and danced.

No matter how foggy everything felt, each time I danced or came into close contact with someone my brain never stopped reminding me how much I wished it was Sam who was there. I couldn't shake the thought of her from my head, and even if I was in a room full of people, after a while my mind seemed to be concentrated on her and her only.

After my fourth drink I felt almost completely unable to control the trajectory of any part of my body, everything in the room looked as if it was somehow spinning. But it felt good. I felt light and careless. I'm pretty sure I kept laughing without an apparent reason the whole evening.

"You seem to be having fun" I recognized Mei's voice from behind me, when her hands grasped my hips. We were in a huge crowd of people but I somehow recognized it wasn't a stranger's hands that were touching my bare skin. Luckily.

"Yeah, I am!" I shouted, making sure my voice was louder than the music, my body slightly tensing up at the feeling of her hands' placement.

"Are you drunk? I can smell alcohol from here" she said, lowering her head and moving it closer to my neck.

"I- uh- I might be. Yeah, I think so" I laughed as I realized I could barely speak properly. "I've never drunk so much in one night. What are you turning me into?" I joked.

"Huh? I didn't tell you to do anything" she giggled. "But as I said, you seem to be having fun, so no complaints" she added, moving from behind me to in front of me, keeping her hands on my hips.

As a less upbeat song came on we started to dance, our bodies getting closer to each other. My hips swayed as I followed Mei's flow, placing my arms on her shoulders.

I was close enough to be able to smell the sweet and minty perfume I'd smelt when she hugged me a few days before.

"I love your perfume!" I blubbered.


"I said I love your perfume!" I shouted.

"Oh! Oh, thanks!" she smiled, pressing her body onto mine.

It was at that moment that I suddenly realized what was going on. Something clicked in me, I don't know what.

But although I was aware of the situation I couldn't seem to react. I felt good. The music so loud I couldn't hear my own thoughts, Mei's body so close to mine that I could feel her breath on my neck, my mind free of any worries.

"Is this okay?" she asked, pressing her hands on my hips more firmly and slightly lowering her head, so that our faces were aligned with each other.

"Y-yeah..." I mumbled, not fully comprehending what was going on if not that I felt really good and that Mei was looking hotter than she'd ever looked.

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