Chapter 36 Magic Cancels Magic

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Chapter 36 

Getting out of my room excites me more than fear. Who can blame me after Zhier locked me up for three days?

Even so, I am not free to take my time enjoying my independence because we are, strictly speaking, in a rush. We're on a run against time, and we also need to make sure that we don't encounter other fairies along the way.

"My lady, are humans naturally slow, or is it just you?" Efeiza wonders, looking back at me as we run.

"Efeiza, I would very much appreciate it don't talk to me. I'm running out of breath." I wasn't very athletic, but I don't usually run out of breath this easily.

"Geez, what did you do in those three days?"

"What do you expect a prisoner to do? Workout?!" I look up at her in an annoyed manner before I notice an intersection. "Efeiza, we're taking a left from here." I instruct when I remember the outline of the map.

Efeiza presses her back against the wall and drags me along with her before we can turn. She places a finger over her lips to signal me to be quiet. I pick up Jade from the ground and then lie with my back against the wall, just like she does. Soon I hear distant footsteps approaching. I watch as Efeiza draws a dagger from beneath her skirt and, before the fairy guard can scream, stabs him in the neck.

Blood splatters over her face when she twists the dagger and carefully lowers the body of the guard on the floor.

When she turns back, she gives me a bright smile, not even the least bit bothered by the purple blood on her face. I grimace, causing her to look at me in concern.

"What's wrong?"

"Y–You got a little bit of something here." I point at my nose, indicating where the blood splatter is on her face.

Efeiza starts to wipe her face on her arm, but when she raises her head, it becomes worse; her face looks like it is painted purple.

If only it's paint though.

"Is it gone?"

"Y-yeah, it is." I lie.

God, I feel like some of the blood even reached her eyes. I feel sick. I rather not say anything anymore, or I might make things worse.

We start to move again. This time at a quicker pace. A few more guards showed up, but Efeiza and Jade easily handled them. By the time we get there, Jade and Efeiza are both completely drenched in purple.

I think that it is safe to say that I don't want to look at them.

It's not blood; it's paint. It's paint. It's paint...

We stop in front of a wall, which is the location that Faragon hinted at. It's at the top of the castle and at the very end of the hallway. It was heavily guarded, which makes me more convinced that we are at the right place.

"Lady?" When Efeiza looks at me, she arches an eyebrow. "Why are we stopping here?"

"This is the place on the map." I tell her, but even as I say that, staring at a wall is giving me some doubt about the authenticity of the map. I even checked the paper with the drawing of a map on it.

Was Faragon shitting on me? Is the map fake?
I had just thought about going to find Faragon when Efeiza and I noticed Jade scratching the bottom of the wall. Efeiza and I exchanged a look before she started placing her hand on the wall. A bracelet that she has starts to glow an ominous red.

"Theres magic here." Efeiza sneers and says it like it's a bad thing. "Only magic and cancel magic."

"Is it that bad?"

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