Chapter 4 Nightmare

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Chapter 4

I felt so out of breath the moment I got back to camp. I did not slow down until I reached my mother's trailer car. I tried opening the door, only to find it locked.

    I started to panic and began to knock. Zhier's words keep on echoing at the back of my head.

    He was looking for the unseelie prince? Then why was he asking me? I have no idea who or where that prince might be!

    My eyes trailed to the scar on my hand. I remember him saying that it was a mark left by the unseelie prince, but I don't even remember getting it! For all I know, I was just a strange inverted triangle at the back of my hand. It hurts from time to time, but there was nothing weird or special about it.

    To me, it's just a scar that reminds me of the day I lost almost a year of my life.

    "Liv, what on earth are you doing?" It was clear that my mom had just gotten out of bed, and she was not in the best mood at the moment. She opened her mouth to scold me, but that was until her eyes moved to my arm. "Liv, what happened to you!?" She screams.

    I wondered what she was so worried about and turned to my hand, only to see that it was bleeding from the wound that I got from the python. I was in such a panic that I forgot about my injury back in the forest.

    Speaking of which, I was suddenly reminded about the fairy boy back in the forest, making my knees shiver and buckle. Luckily, my mother got to me first, just before I started to fall.

    "Liv!" I felt her carrying me and laying me on the ground before she started screaming for help as I started to pass out.


    I was back in my dream. But this dream is more like a nightmare. I was out walking in a storm. I was cold and scared. My clothes were drenched and were clinging to my skin as the wind blew fiercely towards me. I barely see anything around me. I was lost in the forest with no phone or flashlight to help me survive.

    I suddenly tripped on something. From the yelp coming from it, I can assume that it's a small animal that's also stuck in the storm. I am not even sure if it is rabid or not because I could not see what kind of animal it is.

    Thunder roared somewhere behind me, allowing me to see the creature before me temporarily. It was a weird creature about the same size as a wolf, but it looked like a cross-breed between a wolf, a fox, and a deer. Its body is that of a wolf while its head looks like it's from a fox with a horn of a deer.

     I knew that I should run, but I felt like the more that I stared in his eyes, the more that I felt like it was something more than a weird and strange animal.

There's no doubt about that. My grandmother, who shares the same gift of sight as I do, warned me about avoiding creatures that aren't normal because they could be more dangerous than they look.

A fairy. A mystic being that does not belong in this realm.


I woke up from my dream only to see my mother sitting right beside my bed. Her forehead creased with worry as she was talking on the phone.

    " it again! She collapsed this time. I don't know, but I think that she's not safe here. You need to come and pick her up tomorrow morning, if you can. Please." There's no doubt that she was talking to my father. I guess that no matter how hard I tried, I still screwed up in the end and got myself deported back to the city. "Alright. Thank you, Kane."

    "I guess I should start packing my bags?" I joked the moment she ended the call. My mother starts to turn to me. Her eyes were filled with relief when she placed her hand on my forehead.

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