Chapter 22 Reflection

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Chapter 22

Zhier and I have experienced numerous communication breakdowns as a result of Zhier's mother being the primary suspect in the disappearance of the unseelie prince. I understand that he may still be in the denial phase, but it feels like I am walking on thin ice whenever I try to talk to him.

One time, I suggested that we should ask the Unseelie people for help, as they are more likely to be on our side than his own people. He refused my suggestion, telling me that Unseelie's cannot be trusted. Of course, we had an argument about that because it is so obvious that he is being biased about his own people again.

As much as I hate that he is sidding with his mother, I can't say that I can blame him. Even I would be upset if someone were to slander my mother.

I am just so grateful that I learn the fairy language since I was able to send a letter to the Unseelies, which I had Jade deliver to them. I did it in secret because I knew it would enrage Zhier and spark a new argument between us.

Now that I think about it, I don't think that I have been in touch with Klovis in my dreams, which gives me a lot of worry.

Is he still alive?

Looking at my mark, I can see that it has faded slightly, but it is still there. For the first time since I have come to this realm, I am glad that I still have the mark. Seeing it gives me a sense of comfort that Klovis is still alive.

Come to think of it, it has been three days since Zhier visited me. I also have not received word from the unseelies.

Did they get my letter?

They should have, right? Jade already returned last night, which means that he was able to deliver it.

Maybe I should go and reconcile with Zhier. After all, we are still in this together since we are looking for Klovis.

"Jade, come with me for a moment. We're going to look for Zhier." Jade yawns from his little bed and quickly runs to follow me to the door. It was Zhier who told me to keep the emerald beast with me at all times because we don't know what's going to happen next. If I want to make amends with Zhier, I should not give him anything that would allow him to start arguing with me again.

I just got out of my room when I came face-to-face with Serefina, who looked surprised to see me outside. "My lady, what are you doing out here?"

"I am out to look for Zhier. Is he still on the training grounds?" If my memory serves me right, he should be out and training with the other seelie knights.

"H-He's busy right now, my lady. It would be nice if you could go back to your room. I will tell his majesty to come visit you." Serefina is the type of attendant who is strong, strict, and confident. Looking at her nervous state gives me a sense that there must be something wrong. What's more, it is pretty rare for me to see her standing in front of my door without me calling for her. Somehow, it almost seems like...

"Serefina, by any chance, are you keeping watch on me?" I say it in a joking manner so she won't notice the hint of suspicion in my voice.

Thankfully, the fairy rules about lies come into effect when she suddenly chokes on her words when she tries to deny it.

"I-...I can...I-..." Serafina stutters, but I cut her off by going straight to the point.

"Where's Zhier? Serafina, you better not lie to me." Because of the status that Zhier has given me by handing me his earring, I have come to learn that I have certain authorities in the palace. One of them is making demands on those of lower social standing than me.

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