Chapter 12 Broken Mirror

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Chapter 12

"It's getting harder and harder to make contact with you, Liv." I wake up in my dream and see Steve lying down next to me on top of a hill overlooking a meadow.

"What are you talking about? I'm here now." I tell him. I have never felt happier than seeing a familiar place at this time.

Steve turns his head to me and smiles in a way that makes my heart flutter. "I know. That's what matters to me right now. In here, you are safe, but only temporarily." His grin starts to fade.

I tried to figure out why he was making such an expression until I remembered our last conversation.

"Am I still in that place? The fairy realm?"

Steve nods. "Yeah. But don't worry. I-"

"I hate them."


"Fairies." Steve appears to have stopped speaking as I finish, and his expression turns solemn.

He starts to avert his gaze. "I understand. You were dragged in there-"

"It all started with a stupid mark on my hand." My left hand, which lacked the mark in this dream, drew my attention as I shifted into a sitting position. "If I had never gotten this mark in the first place, I would not have been in this mess." Even though it is a dream, it feels good that I managed to express my exasperation. "Seriously, I don't even know the guy and yet I have this stupid mark."

Steve placed a hand over mine, and strangely enough, even though it was a dream, I felt its warmth and comfort. "I'm sure that whoever left this mark feels bad for putting you in trouble. And if...if he could, he would have rushed to your side to keep you safe." Steve seems to be hiding his eyes for some reason, which only makes it harder for me to understand why he was speaking in such a manner.

"We are talking about the unseelie prince, right? What's-"

"You and I won't be able to meet in a while." When Steve did raise his gaze towards me, I saw that he was wearing a sad smile. "Don't worry. I'll never stop protecting you. When you wake up, thrust your fist up as hard as you can, alright?"

"What's that about? And why all of a sudden?" I wonder.

"You'll see." When a man tries to hug me in real life, I would pull away immediately, but when it comes to Steve, I simply felt comfortable enough that I did not even mind it. "It's time for you to wake up." He whispers just as I start to close my eyes.









"Livia, wake up!"

My body jerks up automatically as soon as I wake up. My fist hits something, and I hear a weird curse coming from the person - or fairy - before me.

"What the hell, Livia!" I turn to Prince Zhier, who seems to be lying on the ground, holding his nose.

"Zhier?" I push back the books covering my body so I can stand and crouch before him. "Why are you sprawled on the floor?" After voicing out my observation, I began to frown. "Don't tell me. Are you lazing around instead of reading?"

At my accusation, Zhier gives me a look of disbelief. His furrowed brows causing a wrinkle to form between his brows. "I'm here because you punched me! What was that for!?"

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