37: Regularly Scheduled Program

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Taiya stood outside the front doors to the 1-A alliance, staring at it like it a brick wall and not a door. Like there was no way he was getting past those doors. 

"We don't have all day." Aizawa said simply. His tone wasn't unkind though, just blunt. 

Taiya took a deep breath and reached out to grab the door handle, twisting it and stepping inside. 

The entire class appeared to be gathered in the front common room space, all of their heads snapping up at once to look at Taiya. 

Mouths hung open, smiles widened and confusion filled the air. 

"No fucking way!" Kaminari shouted, breaking the silence. 

"Language." Aizawa scolded as the blond haired boy and several others all scrambled off the couches and rushed towards Taiya. 

"You're okay!" Kirishima cheered, looking his friend over. "I was worried I'd never see you again!". 

"Well the government of Japan mandates that I have to enrolled in high school, so there's no escaping me." The boy teased back. Kirishima just grinned at him and, in one quick movement, pulling him into a bone crushing hug. 

"No fair! Let me in on that!" Mina shouted, pushing Kirishima's arms away so they were in a group hug. 

"I'm so glad you're alright.". Taiya looked up and saw Midoriya standing just off to the side, a relieved smile on his face. 

"I was fine the whole time. I just didn't want the media on my back after doing all that." He smiled. Being at U.A was strange. It was like the weariness and exhaustions from before was being washed away. Taiya strangely felt recharged. 

"So you're coming back to U.A? You're still gonna be a hero student?" Uraraka asked, hopeful. Taiya was surprised, usually she acted completely indifferent or even upset with him. He'd have to figure all that out later. Maybe...maybe he was been doing that thing where he thought everyone hated him and didn't even check to see if it was true again.

After he jumped to that conclusion with Mori the teen was more concious than ever of his own behavior. 

"Yeah." Taiya nodded, "I'm back, for the meantime at least. Things are kinda...up in the air right now.". 

"I'll leave you all to it then." Aizawa said, making his way back towards the door. "Your boxes are in your room, so make sure to unpack everything before school tomorrow.". 

With that, he left. 

"Tell us everything!" Mina said excitedly, the moment their teacher was gone. "Why were you in korea? Why were you at the Planet Awards? How did you get caught? I wanna know everything!". 

Taiya blinked at her with wide eyes, not expecting that at all. Was it some sort of cool story to tell? 

"Hey, tone it down." Yaomomo interrupted, "Don't interrogate him.". 

It was kind of strange. The very behavior he found so disgusting in the media didn't bother him at all when Mina did it. He actually wanted to update her on what happened. 

'Guess its different when they're your friends' He thought. 

"Well I was in Korea because staying in Japan would have gotten me caught too quickly. I was at the Planet Awards because I was staying with ILY and pretending to be a member of their staff-" 

"This whole time you were with ILY?!!?!" Mina practically shouted. 

"I mean, I'm not just friends with Hannie for show." The actor shrugged. "As for how I got caught-"

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