35: Welcome Back

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Have you ever tried to do something, only to realize it amounted to nothing?

See, when people tell you that your life is better suited to being a trashy reality show than an existence, you don't have much hope of changing that.

There are actors who are considered artists and there are actors that are considered celebrities and try as he might Taiya always ended up in the latter category.

No matter how many beautiful films he did, no matter how much work he put in he was nothing but an attention drunk child actor who had too much money at too young an age.

He thought he was doing something with this project. With everything going on, an empowering film about a hero student could be just what society needed. And then he went to hero school and learned so much more about the world, about himself, about what it meant to be a hero.

In the moment he told Mori to drive, right before he put out that post, he thought he was doing something. Like he had finally figured it all out, he knew what he was supposed to do and how he was going to do it.

For once in his life he, Enomoto Taiya, was going to make it right.

And he had, but none of that mattered now.

It was all over. It should have come crashing down around him after he saved Bakugou but running away prolonged the process. In the end, it didn't matter.

The world had dictated what his existence was supposed to be and he was being punished for trying to stray from that. From playing at being Tachibana Yuka, from dreaming of something more. 

And now he was sitting in a waiting room in a police station by the airport and the only thought in his head was 'I don't want to go back'. 

No, he corrected himself. 'I can't go back'. 

Not now, not after everything. 

He had been able to tolerate his environment before. His home life, his schedule, his simultaneous breadth and lack of freedom. He hadn't given it a second thought before. 

But he was different now and the thought of going back to that life made him sob. What other choice did he have? He didn't even know what he wanted now. What did he want to happen? What would be the ideal ending? 

He didn't know. 

Taiya wanted Mori. Not to do anything, he just wished that Mori was sitting beside him. Maybe then he'd feel more secure, like he had someone to support him in whatever decision he eventually made. 

It was strange really. Taiya had spent so long thinking he was completely alone that he didn't even realize that he wasn't. That Mori was right there the whole time. And now Mori was gone and Taiya really was alone and he felt like throwing up. 

The boy closed his eyes and tried to hold back any emotions and mulled over the same statement. 'I can't go back'. 

"Its been a while.". 

Mori eyed Aizawa cautiously. "It has." He replied simply. 

Aizawa looked over at the man again and sighed. "You don't have to be so anxious, I'm not going to arrest you.". 

"Really? Because last I checked I was wanted for kidnapping." Mori laughed humorlessly. 

"Not exactly. Once it was confirmed you were with him, kidnapping charges were discussed. Enomoto's parents were not thrilled with the outcome of the situation and obviously wanted their son to come home." Aizawa began. Mori was confused on why this was supposed to be 'not exactly'. 

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