33: You Tried Pt. 1

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"This powder is the wrong colour, does anyone have Kun-woo's powder?" 

"I need another extension cord. The hairdryer wont reach!" 

"We're missing a pair of hoop earrings, can someone please look for those?" 

"This is your one hour before call time announcement. One hour to call time!". 

When Mori said award shows where chaotic, he had meant it. 

Sure, Taiya had been to a lot of award shows before, but he was just one person. He had a handful of hair and makeup people, a stylist, Mori and an event specific manager. 

It was no wonder how ILY's manager had easily gotten Taiya in. There were so many people buzzing around a whole other kpop band could have walked in and with all the shouting and running no one would have noticed.

"What's it like when you get ready for an award show?" Byeong-ho asked, obediently keeping his eyes closed as a makeup artist retouched his eyeliner. 

"Quieter." Taiya laughed. "I don't ever have to perform though. The most actors do is present awards.". 

"Lucky bastard." Tae-hwan grumbled as he finished doing the buttons up on his shirt. 

"Ah, I think we should leave a few undone." The stylist interjected, "I think it'll fit the concept a bit better.". 

"If you want one of us to do whore stuff ask Byeong-ho." The leader sighed, "He's the one that's not even wearing a shirt.". 

"This is a shirt." The younger grumbled. 

"I could do the whore stuff!" Han-gyeol suggested, jumping out of his chair. 

"No!" The rest of the band said, the decision unanimous. 

"Minors these days." Tae-hwan sighed as he unbuttoned his shirt. Taiya snickered and the older flicked his arm. "Why don't you make yourself useful?" 

Taiya turned to ILY's lead manager. "Is there anything I can do?" He asked, turning the innocence up a couple notches. 

"Well we could use someone to go collect the coffees from the front desk." The man said, checking his phone. "They should be at the front desk, just show them your pass and pick up ILY's order.". 

"On it!" Taiya replied with a quick bow. He waved goodbye to Han-gyeol and pulled his pass out of his pocket and put it around his neck before leaving the room. 

The halls were surprisingly scarce, he only passed a few more staff members as he made his way around the backstage area of the stadium. 

Apparently this award's ceremony was unique in that it took place in late summer. It was almost used as a trail for award's season come winter. That meant it had tons of hype as it was the only major event occurring at the time and it was an absolute disaster. Tons of staff members didn't know what to do, they had to bring special technicians and camera men in, usually it was a hot mess. 

From the artist's perspectives of course, the audience only saw perfection. 

Taiya could catch glimpses of the stadium that was slowly filling with people as he passed through the halls towards the check in. It was a shocking amount of people. 

Though he had never had stage fright, he still would be intimidated by performing in front of that many people. ILY were insane to be so chill about it. 

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