26: Break A Few Eggs

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You know, Taiya never considered his eating problems to be saving him. Helping him out, sure, saving him from gaining too much weight, definitely. 

But saving him? Unheard of. 

But here he was, puking up deer meat and guts because he couldn't cope with the feeling of being full, and he was pretty sure the world was ending outside. 

He decided to head to the bathroom because he wanted to avoid the test of courage lest it became a test of how strong his stomach was. 

The sheer discomfort he felt knowing what his body was trying to digest...he wouldn't be able to keep it down anyways. That's what he told himself at least. 

The sound of another wall breaking brought Taiya out of this thoughts and confirmed that something strange was happening out there. 

Wiping off his mouth, he tried to get to his feet but found his vision immediately turned to tv static. 

"Fuck." He gritted out, ducking his head to the ground and taking a few deep breaths before he tried to stand again. This time he was fine and managed to stumble to the window. 

Fire. That was the first thing he noticed. Bright blue flames licking the mountainside, inching towards the base at a startling pace. But there was something going on the mountain too, he couldn't quite make anything out, but there were a few harsh, echoing bangs coming from that area. 

He tried to search the area close to the building for any of his classmates, but he didn't see anyone. 

'Shit am I alone?' He thought, the hairs standing up on the back of his neck as the realization set it. No. No way, they wouldn't just forget about him and evacuate without him. 

Would they? 

Another wall breaking sound rang out from downstairs and Taiya realized that, no he wasn't alone. Someone had to be making all that racket. 

Whether or not he was alone with villains or not...that he was about to find out. 

Quickly he walked over to the sink, sticking his head under the faucet and taking several gulps of cold water. He breathed a shaky sigh as he straightened out again, mentally preparing himself for what was about to go down. He also texted Mori to start driving to his shared location with absolutely no context before switching his phone off so it didn't go off and give him away. 

Slowly and silently he crept to the door and put an ear to it, letting it morph just a little bit so he could hear better. Everything seemed to be coming from the floor below him. 

"Come on Taiya." He whispered to himself as he gripped the door handle to the washroom. "You got this. Come on!". 

His fingers trembled a little. Only a little. 

Gritting his teeth, he slowly opened the door, poking his head out to look around before stepping out when the coast was clear. 

His slippers didn't make any noise on the floor as he walked around the uppermost floor. Still, he kept his breathing low and slow through his mouth and tried not to be heard. 

As he reached the stairs he saw in the corner of his eyes a black haired villain in a trench coat approach a door. A door with movement behind it. His classmates, probably. 

Fuck they were in a lockdown, that's why everything was silent. 

Grabbing the railing, Taiya launched himself over it and straight into the villain, nailing him in the back and slamming him into the ground. 

The door to the classroom slammed open and Vlad King rushed out. "Tachibana!" He called out, shocked to see the student. 

Taiya was more distracted by the fact the villain had turned to mud under his feet. 

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