CHP 12: Shot Clock

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2nd Quarter. 4:36 left. The first quarter felt like forever. We were going back and forth. Trading basket for basket. It was 33 to 28 and we were down.

"Aye 41, 41." I grunted as I ran down the court to the wing. Devin was bringing the ball up the court after the other team scored. Didi was to the left of me in the corner.

41 was just four out one in, we were constantly cutting through the paint, getting a on ball screen from the post and kicking the ball out. After a quick 5 seconds I was sitting in the corner waiting for the ball. "Aye di."

The ball was quickly passed to me. As I shot it I already knew it was short. That's the sixth shot I've missed. I tried to follow the rebound but the opposing team was already there.

"Fuck" I swatted at the ball to try to steal but only received a whistle. My third foul. The horn buzzed signaling that a sub was coming in and I already knew it was me.

"Carter what the fuck is wrong." I let out a huff and wiped my sweaty forehead. "I'm just missing shots coach." My coach just shook her head and continued to watch the game.

As I walked down the bench I heard a series of 'you good' and 'keep your head up'. I sat down next to Shay and Tessa and drank the water that was given to me.

This was an intense game and I can't seem to make a shot. I was 2-10 and just struggling. It doesn't help that Kiara is sitting in the stands with Toni. Every time I look her way I think about a baby being in her. She was still deciding on if she wanted to have an abortion. I don't even know how far along she is.

I'd rather her have one but it's really up to her. This is all I've been stressing about. I'm not the type of person to not sleep over shit but it's getting to that point.

"Y/n come on we going to the locker room." I looked up at the clock and noticed half time was starting. We were still down but the score was now 47 to 41.

"LADIES. You must want to get beat. Y'all are playing sloppy, my shooters are not hitting shots. And we are getting out rebounded." I looked down at my hands and started to pick at my palms.

"Carter you're in fucking foul trouble because you wanna fuck around. You only made 2 damn shots. Y'all pick it up and get your heads out of you asses." Of course out of the whole team she name drops me.

I just take it with a grain of salt and head out the locker room. As I enter the gym I hear a lot of noise but a particular laugh stands out. I look up and see Normani with some guy, I was going to wave but a voice got my attention.

"Y/NN." I looked over and saw Toni waving me over. I did a quick jog over to her and gave her a side hug. Kiara wasn't sitting next to her thankfully, probably at the bathroom or concessions.

"Come on friend, get out your head and show out." I nodded my head. "I got you T, Ima point to you when I score." The short haired girl laughed and shook her head.

"Girl go shoot before half time ends." My feet followed her directions as I went to the side of the court my team was on and started shooting.

4th Quarter

"Aye we in man." I yelled out. We were able to close the gap in the 3rd quarter, it was 72-68. I was finally able to hit some shots but I was playing with 3 fouls still.

I stayed on my man and watched as the ball was passed to her. I got low to play defense and I was watching her eyes. "SCREEN LEFT."

I quickly jumped over the screen and kept applying pressure to the girl as she handled the ball. I was able to rip the ball from her and I was off on a fast break by myself. As I went up I felt two hands push me in my back, making me fall onto the court.

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