CHP 6: A Little Time

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3 days later

"Y/n wake up somebody is blowing your phone up." I groaned into my pillow and looked up to see my roommate with a bowl of cereal in her hands. I blindly reached for my phone. Once it hit my hand I quickly tapped the screen to turn it on. The screen blinded me and showed that I had 5 messages from Normani. Why the fuck is she texting me at 10 am. I quickly put my password in to read the messages.

Normani (the tutor girl): Y/n I'm at the library

Normani (the tutor girl): I'm at the round table by the front

Normani (the tutor girl): Y/n please hurry up

Normani (the tutor girl): I'm going to get food and come back and if you're not here I'm leaving

Normani (the tutor girl): Y/n where are you

I quickly shot up and found some clothes to toss on along with some beat up crocs. I shot the girl a quick text saying sorry and told her that I'll be there as fast as possible.

I ran into the bathroom and swished some mouthwash before grabbing my keys and darting to the front door. It only took me 5 minutes to get to campus and as soon as my car was parked I ran to the library. Of course I got some strange looks from other students but that was the least of my worries.

As I entered the library I saw the girl sitting at the table alone while eating a chic fil a burrito. I walked over to her with a closed lipped smile. "I'm so sorry." The girl looked up from her phone and let out a low hum.

I awkwardly pulled out a chair next to her and sat down while she was eating. "Where is  your laptop Y/n." My eyes widened as I realized that I had forgot to bring my backpack. The girl seemed to notice my shook and she just pointed one of the computers that were already set up in the library.

"Go login and I'll be over there once I'm finished." I nodded my head and made my way to the desktop. I couldn't help but feel bad. We were suppose to start at 9:30 but I forgot to set any alarms. I blame Kiara, she had me up until 2 am playing Fortnite with her. She didn't want to go to sleep until we had won a game.

"Okay Y/n we are just going to forget that you're 40 minutes late and get to work." I said another quick sorry before pulling my book and a piece of paper out.

"Y/n you said you needed help with english, this is financial accounting." I gave the girl a quick smile before opening the book to the last page I was on.

"I did but my uh friend help me." I paused for a second thinking about Kiara. We haven't really put a label on anything yet, so friend will remain her title.

"Mhm, you're lucky that I know some of this." Normani slightly stood up and scooted her chair closer to mine. I pushed the textbook closer to her so that she was able to read.

15 Minutes later

"Y/n just name three assets." I groaned at the girl. I wiped my hands on my grey sweats and sat up in my seat. We've been here and I still don't understand basic shit.

Normani POV

"Cash, common stock and fuck I don't know equipment." I let out a slight huff and looked at the taller girl. "Common stock is a equity not an asset Y/n."

The girl looked me in my eyes and groaned. "Can we just take a break my brain can't take this much work." A slight chuckle left my lips. I obliged with her request and closed the accounting book.

"Okay let's get to know each other. Where you from Y/n Carter." She but her lip slightly and tilted her head at me. "I just say the dallas area, I moved around too much to claim a place."

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