020.1 // STEP ONE

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Alhaitham groggily got out of bed, slipping his earphones off his ears and around his neck. He didn't have the energy to put on shoes, opening the door to go downstairs. The familiar oil painting of the trees greeted him across the hall, taking a left turn.

What does she mean, I'm gonna let myself in? She doesn't have a key. He thought, his feet dragging along the hallway carpet as he looked for the white handrail that guarded the stairs.

Oh, you're fucking kidding me. His eyes widen in realization as he hurried down the stairs, trying to rush to the door to let the freezing girl in. The last thing he wanted to do was have a lengthy explanation to Nilou on why the front door was damaged.

Taking a leap from the third step to the ground, his feet glided him forward to the front door. He noticed it was already open and upon a closer look, he was met with an amusing sight. Nimble fingers were desperately trying to unhook the chain guard through the small crack they came from, annoyed muttered comments muffled because of the door. Alhaitham let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head subtly while closing the distance between him and the door.

"You should've told me from the start you were outside waiting."

The fingers froze in place at being caught red-handed, slipping back through the crack where they came from.

Unhooking the chain that was preventing (Y/N) from entering the house, Alhaitham fully opened the door to see her hands shoved in her pockets and half her face buried in her jacket collar. Behind her was the heavy beating rain, the brown porch shielding her from the cold drops.

The worry that had been raining over Alhaitham went away, keeping back two words that would make (Y/N) not function properly. He laughed at remembering her text 'beep boop'. (Y/N) was taken aback at why he was laughing, but her heart was trying to fly its way out of her chest as his laughter.

"Woah, you really must be sick. You're laughing at me." She forced her words out, walking inside to get out of the cold. She could've sworn her heartbeat could be heard from anywhere.

Alhaitham shut the door behind her, shoving his hands into his pants. "Yeah, I am laughing at you. Is there a problem?"

She turned around to say a smart remark but stopped upon seeing his outfit. He had on a dark green hoodie with violet cargo pants, his black socks keeping his feet warm from the cold touch of the hardwood floor. She turned around, marching to the kitchen to make herself a warm drink.

His hair is all over the place too. I can't even look at him without losing my train of thought. He's too damn attractive for his own good.

"So how did you even manage to unlock the door?"

"With this." (Y/N) held up Mona's key, jingling it around to annoy Alhaitham. His eyebrow twitched slightly at her actions, a small playful smile creeping its way onto her face.

I thought so. It was either that or she's skilled at picking locks. Alhaitham thought to himself, sighing. "Don't you think that's called breaking and entering? Since you didn't get permission to come in?"

"Why was the chain guard up? There isn't a serial killer on the loose Alhaitham."

"To prevent little flies like you from getting in." He narrowed his eyes, pointing a finger at the so-called intruder.

"I would've broken down the door had you not hurried up."

"Right. I think I was closer to breaking down your door two times than the one you attempted to."

"Shut up loser."

While (Y/N) was scrambling all over the kitchen, Alhaitham made his way into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. He watched as she had the boiler going on the stove, heating the milk to make herself a cup of hot chocolate.

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