Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Maren regretted the loss of her watch because she had no idea how long she was alone in the temple.

It would be worth it if it helped someone find her, but it also occurred to her that Kieran might find it  when he came. She hoped he wouldn't recognize that it belonged to her if he found it.

But not knowing how long she sat in the chilly stone room was distressing. She might have been there for twenty minutes or two hours, it was difficult to tell. She wasn't hungry so it likely hadn't been very long, but considering how worried she was that wasn't a great indicator of time.

She wondered why Kieran was making her wait. Surely he had to know his men already had her and she somehow doubted he just hadn't had the chance to come taunt her.

No, there had to be a reason.

He might have been trying to make her desperate enough to risk using her powers. If so, he severely underestimated her. She had once spent nearly a month in her rooms. She could wait for Kieran.

She tried not to think too much about Donovan. She was annoyed that Kieran was stealing some of her precious time with him. And she focused on being annoyed so that she wasn't afraid.

She thought if she let herself feel afraid, she might lose herself entirely to that feeling and she needed her wits about her if she was going to deal with Kieran.

Eventually, though, the door opened and Kieran sauntered in as though he owned the room.

"Oh, there you are, Lady Maren," he said with a smile that did not reach his eyes. "My dear brother will be so glad that the guards have kept you safe like he asked."

She wasn't sure why, but she decided to humor him.

"Yes, they did a wonderful job keeping me safe," she said. "I'll just be going now."

He smirked. "Oh no, I cannot allow you to do that. The palace is far too dangerous."

She pursed her lips. "Your brother is expecting me."

He chuckled. The sound chilled her blood.

"He is not. Do not worry. He's been told you're occupied."

She glared at him. "Are we dropping this ridiculous pretense yet?"

He shrugged. "If you like. I mostly wanted you to know that my dear brother will not be coming for you."

She really hoped Kieran was lying. She did not think it was likely that anyone other than Donovan would be able to rescue her.

"Do you know why I had you brought here?" Kieran asked.

She was tempted to make a variety of snappy remarks ranging from, "Because you like wasting my time," to, "Because you're a pathetic weasel." But she decided it would be unwise to aggravate him.

"I'm afraid I don't know, Your Highness," she said blandly instead.

He smiled and it turned her stomach.

"Very well. We can play that game if you like," he said. "Today is the last day you'll get to make any decisions anyway, so I'll humor you."

He had stayed by the door but as he spoke he began to approach her. She felt like a mouse watching a cat stalk her.

He sat beside her and put his arm around her, pulling her close to him. She felt the Light within her rise at his touch, both in response to his buzzing power and the sense that he would happily snap her neck if it suited him.

She reminded herself he wouldn't kill her so long as he thought she might have power he could steal and did her best to remain calm.

"I just have one very simple question for you, my lady," he said, speaking quietly into her ear in a way that made her skin crawl.

The Heart of a Wielder (Book One of The Wielders Trilogy) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now