Chapter Fifteen

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"I have excellent news," Kieran announced at a family dinner.

Donovan did not look up from his plate. He doubted very much that Kieran had mildly good news, much less "excellent."

"Oh, how wonderful, darling, do tell," their mother said.

"Well, you'll recall the trial of the witch that began last week?" Kieran asked.

Donovan recalled. Although witch trials were hardly topics of interest at Court, Kieran discussed them incessantly. It seemed as though Kieran discussed nothing but Tracker business at family dinner since Lady Maren had come to Court.

He and Lady Maren had discussed the matter when he received the invitation for another dinner from his mother. He was concerned that Kieran would continue to try to provoke Lady Maren and if she exposed herself in front of the King and Queen, Donovan would be unable to help her.

Lady Maren was confident it would not be an issue though, and said, "I'm not sure that there's anything he can say in front of the King and Queen over dinner that would distress me to that degree—it's not as if discussions about the activities of the Trackers are new to me. Besides, if I can manage when he took me by surprise in the stables, it should be no problem to manage when I know to expect unpleasantness."

It still worried Donovan, but he did agree that it was far easier to deal with Kieran when you expect him to be dreadful.

"Well, the magistrate finished hearing testimony yesterday and today rendered the guilty verdict. So, the witch will be executed next week!"

Donovan had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. It was barely even news. The magistrate always rendered a guilty verdict and the execution, by law, had to take place no more than a week from the conclusion of the trial.

"As it's been some time since the last execution of a witch, I would appreciate it if the whole family would attend as an official function" Kieran added.

Donovan clenched his jaw.

"Of course, dear! I think that's an excellent idea. Your father and I will be there," his mother said.

Kieran looked at him expectantly.

"If you like," Donovan said. He tried to keep his voice neutral, but found such events extremely distasteful.

"And Lady Maren will join you, of course," Kieran declared.

She set down the glass she had been drinking from and was about to speak.

"I don't think that would be appropriate," Donovan rumbled before Lady Maren could answer.

"Whyever not? These executions benefit all of us," Kieran insisted.

Donovan glared at Kieran. "I do not believe an execution is a suitable event for a lady to attend."

"Surely, the positive impact of having the Crown Prince and his..." Kieran paused and looked pointedly at Lady Maren, "Household offsets any possible impropriety. Besides, Mother attends. Mother, what do you think about Lady Maren attending the execution?"

Donovan felt his mother's eyes upon him and knew she was trying to figure out why this had become a sticking point between Kieran and him. She would know it was about more than just Lady Maren's attendance at one execution. Determined not to give her any more information, Donovan kept his eyes on his plate.

"I should like to think on the matter," his mother said and then asked, "Lady Maren, what is your opinion?"

Donovan tried not to hold his breath. He was not sure how she would handle the question.

The Heart of a Wielder (Book One of The Wielders Trilogy) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now