Chap 13

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Grey POV

*Warning metion of Ed in this chapter there will be a warning before the metion*

I don't get why I keep telling her things and talking to her in french and Italian I never would think to do any of that. As we are skating there is really no one here so we decided to do a race we do pairs and then go up in like a tournament way.  I started with Reese which is good because he is slow as hell. I beat him fast then it is me and Jake I beat him because I am great. Then it is just me and Brooke left Annie was calling out 3! 2! 3! GO! we were off she was keeping up with me until she hit a spot of the ice right as I touched the boards causing her to fall on her ass so skated up to her. 

"Stai bene lì, ho visto che hai fatto un piccolo capitombolo, amore"(You okay there I saw you took a bit of a tumble there love) reaching out my hand.

"Sì Sì, avrei potuto batterti totalmente"(Yeah Yeah I could have beaten you and you know that)

"Ouais, ce n'est pas comme si tu étais derrière moi tout le temps, mais bien sûr, tu m'as presque battu le cul"(Yeah it is not like you were behind me the entire time but sure you kicked my ass*In french*)

"What the hell did you just say"

"Nothing anyways do you guys want to go get lunch" 

"Yeah why not Breeze their pizza is so good," Reese says

Everyone agrees it is also only like five minutes away from here. When we got there barely anyone knows about this place so we got a spot fast sit I sat next to broke while the others went where they want. We order a pizza and then wait we are all just talking about stupid stuff I don't even remember when but my hand is now on Brooke's thigh and Brooke has thick thighs which is a huge turn-on for me. I am not even paying any attention to what they are saying. Soon enough the pizza comes and we start talking about what we want to do after this.

"So what are we doing after this."-Grey

"I was thinking since we always go over to your guys' place we should go to me and Brooke's place for a change"-Annie Brooke nods she looks tired because she has her head on my shoulder.

"Sure but are you guys even going to be able to fit us all"-Mitch 

"Yeah we can have some air-up mattresses"-Brooke

We all finish our food, paid, and now we are heading to Brooke's apartment. When we got there it was ten times bigger than I thought their couch might be bigger than ours. Brooke goes into the kitchen and Annie goes to get the mattresses. You want to guess who I went with Brooke obviously. 

"Hey belle" (Beautiful one)


I walk up next to her and stare at her.

"Why are you staring at me like that"

"Parce queue tu es si belle ey veux que tu sois ma petite amie mais je devrais demanded  à ton frère de faire ça et ça me fait peur alors ouais" (Because you are so beautiful and I want you to be my girlfriend but I would have to ask your brother to do that and that scares the shit out of me so yeah)

"What the hell did you just say"

"Ummm" Right as I was about to tell her Mitch calls telling us to hurry up and I realized I really need to ask Mitch about his sister.

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