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My fingers trembled as I locked them together, my knuckles white as I gripped fiercely onto myself. My eyes fluttered shut at the sizzling touch of Clark's fingers slowly teasing up the length of my thigh. He barely touched me; only the tips of his fingers making contact as if he expected my skin to burn him. 

"Relax your legs," he told me, his voice sounding so near as if it came from inside my own head. I did as he instructed, releasing all tension in my legs until they hung limply, my toes barely resting on the thin-carpeted floor. He maneuvered my legs to his liking, gently gripping the inside of one thigh as he pulled it away from the other. Then he lifted his knee, which simultaneously lifted my bottom, exposing me even more. I had never been more grateful for the presence of my underwear...which he removed, as if he could read my mind.

I whimpered softly, dropping my forehead onto my clasped hands.


His fingers scratched gently up and down the inside of my thigh and a shiver wracked down the length of my spine. My heart roared loudly in my ears and my body buzzed with a heat that was almost uncomfortable. I squirmed ever-so-slightly in my attempts to soothe the heat and the ache.

"Katherine..." Clark warned, and I stilled my restless body.

Knowing he could see everything, paired with the teasing touch of his fingers, left me feeling overstimulated. And when the first swat landed on my bottom, I felt relieved. I didn't understand how my mind had altered itself to take the spanking as something less-than-painful, and more pleasurable, but I accepted it. It was that feeling of peace that I usually found near the end of most spankings, only this time, it arrived immediately.

I felt like I was floating away from my body.

The spanking Clark delivered was lengthy, and it hurt, but it hurt so...good. I couldn't get enough of it, and when it seemed like he was coming to an end, I arched my back, pushing my bottom higher, spreading my legs wider. It was the boldest thing I had ever done and I should have felt monumentally embarrassed, but I felt nothing except the desperate desire to feel the sting of his palm again.

"Naughty little girl..." His hand fell hard and a cry escaped my lips. "Such a little masochist, aren't you?" Another strike, another cry. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were enjoying this..." he murmured, his fingers digging into my bottom as he filled his hand with the tender flesh. I could feel myself bruising at his brutal touch, but I could do nothing more than moan like an animal in heat.

Why was I behaving this way? Before I could find the answer, Clark gripped my hips and lifted me ever-so-slightly as he adjusted his legs beneath me. When he lowered me, I found myself straddling one knee, my bottom perched at the very edge; one leg dangling on each side. My weight anchored at a very sensitive place between my legs that pressed firmly into the hard curve of Clark's knee. The sensation was shocking, and I tried to pull away.

"Don't you dare," Clark warned coolly, holding me down by a hand to the small of my back, and I whined softly as little bolts of lightning shocked through my belly at the pressure applied between my legs. Panting, my hands released each other and gripped the cushions of the couch. Sweat broke across my brow. And then he was spanking me again, and every swat of his hand bumped the ache between my legs against his hard knee.

My peace was gone, and my attention was entirely returned to every pain and pleasure inflicted on my body. I couldn't escape it. I cried and kicked, my etiquette entirely out the window as I fussed like a child. But it wasn't the spanking that overwhelmed me; it was the growing fire between my legs that made me squirm and cry.

The spanking hurt, but it paired with my lust like cheese with wine. It was consuming me, swallowing me deeper and deeper into a warm abyss.

Through grinding teeth, I whined and moaned. My body arched this way and that. My toes kicked at the floor. I cried as I used to during spankings; helpless and fussy.

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