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"Clark Gall?" Reagan squeaked from the edge of her bed where she perched with a stuffed walrus tucked between her knees. "You chose Clark Gall?"

"Is there something wrong with him?" I asked, suddenly concerned my new dominant had a poor reputation that I didn't know about. I didn't have a stuffed walrus, so I grabbed my pillow and held it firmly against my belly. Perched on my own bed, sitting across from Reagan, I focused on calming my panicking heartbeat.

"He's just..." Reagan sighed, searching for the right words. "I hear he's really intense."

"Oh, I had heard that..." I agreed gently, tugging at the corner of the white pillowcase, not bothering to mention that I had heard it directly from the source. "How did you know that? I don't know anything about a single dominant in that school."

"Jordan mentioned it the other day..." she answered with a little shrug and a tilt of her chin; her sleeping little stirring awake at the mention of her daddy-dom. "We visited his school during homeroom. Jordan was studying while I played at his feet. There were a lot of us there with our dominants. Oh, Katie, I can't wait for you to see it over there; it's so...different! But anyways—Master Clark was there and he and Jordan exchanged a brief conversation where your dominant admitted that he hadn't found anyone yet, and Jordan countered with: 'Because you're too intense, you need to lighten up,' and Master Clark said: 'Never.' I think they're friends."

So, he really was an intense dominant. So intense in fact that other dominants were telling him to cool it off a little? A shudder rippled down my spine. Had I bitten off more than I could chew by choosing Clark Gall for the project?

"He's the only one I wanted..." I murmured, trying to convince myself that this played out just the way it was supposed to and that I hadn't made a mistake. "You should have seen him, Reagan, he... he's so in control. None of the other dominants I met with were as in control of themselves as Clark. It was as if every move and every word was thoroughly calculated before delivered. It made me feel... safe. Safe that he would never act rashly. Safe that he could decide ahead of time whether or not I could handle what he has to deliver."

"I understand that, Kat," Reagan nodded along. "It felt right, yeah? Then that's all you can do to trust yourself. I'm sure you made the right decision. He may be intense, but...he may be just what you need. Have you met with Headmaster Warren yet?"

"No," I answered begrudgingly. "And I wish we could skip that part. I entirely disagree with the fact that the dominants become the disciplinarians to their submissives for the duration of the project. I think I'll fall off my track of good behavior if Headmaster Warren isn't there to call me into his office every other week..." I buried my face in my hands and groaned loudly. "I can't not see Headmaster Warren, Reagan."

"God, Kat," Reagan rolled her eyes. "You're so in love."

"It's a platonic love!" I argued. "But come on, can you really hand over that vulnerable part of yourself that submits for discipline to a new person who you don't know very well...?"

"I think it's part of the project, Katie..." she shrugged. "You know... Trust."

"Arrrggggghhhh..." I buried my face into my pillow once more and huffed a brief tantrum before returning my attention to Reagan. "Hey..." I started, fiddling with my fingers as I worked up the courage to ask my next question. " you think dominants provide any affection or kindness towards their submissives? Like... I know it's different in a little/daddy-dom dynamic because dominants tend to be stricter than a daddy-dom, but I wonder what they're taught over there in their school. Do the professors only educate them on the proper method of delivering a beating every time their sub makes a mistake?"

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