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The musky aroma of cigars wafting from the old books of the library, paired with the dim lighting and low hum of male voices, created a feeling of wonderment as I felt as if I had been thrust back in time. Seniors in their uniformed slacks, white buttoned-downs, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, empowered the room with their masculinity, and I couldn't help it—I was staring.

The smoky smell of the room left me feeling heady as if I had downed a shot of warm alcohol and the comfortable buzz took effect immediately. I blamed this headiness for my lapse in etiquette, and why I stared so boldly around me when I hadn't been given permission to. But, Clark looked back at me just then, studied me for a moment, and then turned forward just in time to greet a friend. So, I supposed he didn't mind.

I watched him for a moment, a cozy warmth budding and blooming inside my chest. I couldn't help but admire the way he held himself so confidently. The way he shook hands like a man... He appeared so much older than the others, as if something had aged him in his young life of seventeen/eighteen years.

My eyes shifted to the senior who conversed casually with my dominant. He wasn't as tall as Clark, but he wasn't short either, and where Clark's eyes reflected brown and gold, the other dominant's eyes swam blue like the sea. His yellow hair was almost identical in color to mine, and I half-heartedly entertained the idea that he and I could be distant cousins; only because there was a shortage of toe heads in the Academy. I often felt myself sticking out like a sore thumb.

When he turned his attention to me, I lowered my head respectfully, but I didn't feel so intimidated by him. He had a very kind face.

"Is this your project submissive?"

"Yes, this is Katherine." Clark drew me forward with a hand at the small of my back.

"She's very obedient." The blue-eyed dominant lowered his head, trying very hard to coax my eyes up.

"She is when she wants to be," Clark responded with a smirk in his voice, and I wanted to huff indignantly at him.

"Come, now, Katherine," Clark's friend continued to press for my attention. "Don't let the big bad wolf scare you into ignoring me."

A smile twisted around on my face in my attempts to keep it away, but the boy must have seen it, for he burst into a boisterous laugh.

"Look there, Clark! Is it possible that the girl is seeing through your hard exterior and into the less formidable depths of your soul? I'll tell you a secret," the boy dropped his head very close to mine, whispering low for my ears only. "He isn't as haunted as he appears, you just have to work on him awhile."

"Alright, Dawson, that's enough." Clark tugged his friend back by a firm hand on his shoulder. "You can respectfully greet my submissive; I'll allow it. Katherine," Clark addressed me firmly and I lifted my eyes. "You may speak with Dawson. He is a friend."

My eyes shifted to Dawson who already felt like a friend to me as well.

"Hello, Katherine." Dawson flashed a wickedly charming grin before taking my hand delicately in his and bestowing a gentle kiss on the top. I blushed, smiling bashfully despite trying so very hard not to.

"Hello," I replied shyly.

"You're too beautiful for my unworthy presense," he continued dramatically and I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my laughter.

"Look at that, Clark. She has a sense of humor." He elbowed my dominant who nearly rolled his eyes at his friend's antics. "You need to learn to crack a joke once in a while." 

He released my hand with a lingering pet at the wrist, bestowing one last smile, a sincerely kind one this time, before clapping Clark on the back and suggesting they get the card-game going.

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