A Good Match

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The long white-marbled hall stretched before me as I walked alone, my black school slippers padding gently and echoing in the silence. Class was in session, so not a single soul, professor, student, or janitor filled the halls of this ancient castle-like academy. 

At the end of the hall, two mahogany doors loomed intimidatingly ahead. All dark wood, heavy and loud if not closed properly... They concealed the school's principal, Headmaster Warren Fell; the only male professor on site. He administered the discipline of the students and the teachers. 

He was Headmaster at the boy's school as well, so he spent every other day of the week with us and the remaining days with them.

Stopping in front of the massive double doors, my shoes scuffing on the white marble, I smoothed my plaid skirt, righted my white pleated blouse with its short puff sleeves, and lifted my fist to gently rap the door three times. I folded my hands in front of me and waited for permission to enter. 

He never responded immediately; he strongly valued keeping a submissive waiting. Mistress Alexandria had just dismissed me from class per his instructions so I knew he was expecting me. That means he would likely have me wait a little longer than the average student. He enjoyed testing me. I found myself pushed to new limits by him often and I couldn't help but smile to myself as I thought about it.

"Enter, Katherine," he finally called, only his deep and booming voice capable of penetrating the thick doors. I gripped the black handle, iron, and cold in my hand, and with a deep breath, I pushed the door open. I cursed the heavy thing as I worked to keep it from slamming loudly behind me, a mistake I made on my first day which earned me a trip to the corner, on my toes, with my nose pressed against the wall.

With a soft and appropriate thud, the door closed, and I turned and crossed the thin green carpet that paired with the rich brown of Headmaster Warren's desk and gave the office a nearly-presidential look. Two leather winged-back chairs stood in front of the desk and I placed myself directly between them, my head down and my hands folded demurely.

I waited.

Submissives do not speak without permission, and Headmaster Warren was only too amused to let me wait for nearly three minutes before he addressed me.


His tone and the use of my name gave me permission to lift my head. On his handsome face, I found a quizzical smile. 

"So," he sighed. "We aren't fond of the Graham boy, hmm?"

I relaxed at the light tone that accompanied his perfectly kind smile. I adored Headmaster Warren. He was kind and fair and his patience for me never ran out. Instead of bullying me into submission, he's allowed me to tread the waters carefully in my attempts to discover exactly who I am. And in the several times I have found myself in his office for discipline, his patience remained even while he remained firm enough to carry out whatever punishment he felt would correct my behavior.

I wasn't any naughtier than the other girls in the school. Most everyone found themselves in his office for discipline at least once or twice a month. Still, I knew he was different with me. If he didn't already have a submissive, I might throw all pride aside and drop to my knees and beg him to take me home.

"No, sir," I answered respectfully even as a little smile quirked around the edges of my mouth.

"And why is that?"

"Graham thought a pacifier would look pretty on me," I answered, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. "I disagreed."


Headmaster Warren nodded and scratched down a note in black ink on his legal pad. 

"I know you're not immediately drawn to age-play."

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