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After that day Elias and I had no more problems. He talked to Mark and told him that he can't have anything of that type to do with him because he liked me. Ser was also not a problem because he strictly told her to stay away but they can stay friends which she obviously didn't like but didn't reject either. Now all that was left for us to do was tell our parents and get into a relationship.

Telling our parents wasn't really important but I just didn't want to hide anything from them. After all, I'm far from being like them. They hide a lot of stuffs from me which I am aware and not aware of. Elias said his parents knew he was into guys so it wasn't really that big of a deal for him and said he wanted to tell his parents too. So, now all that's left is for me to face my parents.

We were having dinner together after a while that day because they came home early, which barely happens. We were done with the main course and the maid brought desserts. That's when I cleared my throat.

They turned back to look at me. "Anything you want to say Daniel?" mom asked and I nodded. "I like someone." I said and they stared still at me hoping for me to say more. "You've had lots of girlfriends before, so is it supposed to be special?" mom asked. "Yes." I paused.

"It's a guy." I said and they looked taken aback. But strangely enough they returned to their normal selves within a few seconds. "Well, we don't have a problem with that. We even had a talk about how it would be if you were interested in the same gender." Dad said. Alright I had two things in mind.

One, thank god they reacted well. Two, do parents really think about that stuffs usually? Either way I was surprised because they're my parents. "Who's the guy Daniel?" Dad asked then took a bite of his La Madeline au Truffle. "Ah right. Daniel we don't have any objections that you like the same gender but he must come from a good family or else we cannot accept him. All your girlfriends were from good families, I expect your boyfriend to be too." Mom said.

I flinched at the word boyfriend. It would be nice to be called his boyfriend and to call him mine. "Well, It's Vega." I said and they looked more surprised after hearing that and not how I like guys too. "Oh, that's good." mom said trying to hide her excitement but failing. "Gotta say, you did well son." dad said and smiled. In years, we all smiled at and agreed on something together.

Elias's POV:
Mom and dad liked making dinner together on their free days so, as usual they were busy making it. I made my way towards the kitchen and my mom gestured me to come closer. She made me taste the food dad and her were making and asked if it was good. I nodded excitedly while dad put his hand over my shoulder.

I stayed there with them until they were done making the food. The maids were preparing to serve it whilst we sat on the dining table. "So" I paused. "I like someone." I said and my mom groaned. "Oh dear, you like someone new everyday." she said. "Who is it son?" dad asked. "You guys take a guess." I said. "Guy or girl?" mom asked. "Guy."

"Is it Mark?" Mom asked and before I could shook my head no, she spoke again. "If it is Mark then I'm gonna be honest, I'm disappointed. I just don't find him good enough." she finished and shrugged. "It would've been nice if it was the Wilson's son. I mean look at that child, he's so handsome and polite." She said and I laughed.

"It's him isn't it?" Dad asked while smiling. "What?!" mom exclaimed. "Yes, It's Daniel mom." I said and she looked shocked. "Honey, you knew?" she asked dad clearly mad that he didn't let her in on it. "I just guessed sweetheart and it turned out right." he said and mom pouted. "You should've told me still."

Daniel's POV:
It was Friday. Elias and I decided to walk back home together. Both of our cars were out for servicing. Coincidence? Yeah, big one. I was gonna ask him about our relation today so, it seemed like a good opportunity.

"You wanna grab something?" he asked and I nodded. We got Starbucks and started walking again. Sipping on our drinks once in a while. He and I were both slow drinkers.

"I wanna take you somewhere." he said out of nowhere. "Where?" I asked. "Somewhere."

"This place is so pretty. How come no one is here." I asked, in total awe. He took me to a place which looked like a garden. The pond in front of it was just so beautiful. There was a kids playground too. It looked pretty abandoned and even more shockingly it was so close to where we lived but seemed like we were in the middle of nowhere.

"I used to come here when I was young. To play. It had people coming here then but now nobody does because of it getting covered from all the trees and buildings. Our family sends out people to clean around here because I come here often." He said and I nodded. I couldn't talk because I was in awe, the place was divine looking. Even the smell of dust was so refreshing.

"Daniel." he called my name and I turned my head to my right to look at him. "Yeah?" "I wanna tell you something." he said and I remembered that I had something to say too. "Oh, me too."

"You go first though." I said and he nodded. "Sit down first." he said and both of us did. We were sitting beside each other. He sighed and then turned his head towards me. "Will you be my boyfriend?" he asked.

My mouth almost gaped. It's impossible. How could we both have thought of asking each other out finally on the same day? It was so unreal. I stared at him and if I didn't have control over myself my jaw would've been on the floor. "Daniel?" He called out my name again. "Yes. What the hell? Yes." I said and he grinned. "Thank god. I thought I was a fling." he joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut the fuck up. I thought I was the fling." I said and he laughed. "Oh, what were you about to say?" he asked and I chuckled. "Same thing, you wanted to." I said and he smiled. "Coincidence?" "Yeah".

We sat there for a while. Not wanting to move. It was all so perfect. Somehow it turned out to be so perfect. "Do you like stargazing?" he asked and I just looked at him. "No." I said at once. "That's weird everyone likes stargazing." he said and I shrugged. "When I'm looking up to see the stars while sitting my neck hurts." I said and he stared then laughed so loudly.

"What?" I asked and he was still laughing. "Nice reason, Wilson." he said and stopped laughing. "Okay so, not stargazing. Do you like ice cream after dinner?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes, I do. I love it." I said and he smiled. His smile was exceptionally sweet today.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I asked. "Yes." he replied. "So, It's a date popular kid?"
We both cracked two big smiles then I put my hands on his cheek. Caressing it lightly as he melted into the touch. I leaned in then kissed him and he kissed back. I pulled away shortly.

"Yeah, a date transfer kid."


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