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"You guys look horrible." Jess commented and everyone seemed to agree. Well, she was right. "Go shower." Duke said and scrunched his nose. "Whatever man." I said and gestured Elias to come with me.

We entered the house and the whole floor was a mess now. It was footprints made from mud. It looked so yuck. "I'm gonna shower upstairs." I said and went to our room leaving Elias there. He muttered an 'okay'.

I turned on the shower. The cold water colliding with my skin was the best feeling ever. Considering it was like 38 degrees outside, I was in heaven. I stayed in the shower for 20 good minutes before putting the towel around my waste and getting out.

I swung the bathroom door open and saw Elias with only pants on. Well he was in a better condition than me because I was literally in a freaking towel. "Oh you're don-" he started but stopped midway and looked down for a sec then turned around. After that, all he said was 'okay'.

Fucking hell. The way he looked me up and down. Why did he do that? Anyone would mistake that shit for something else. I thought to myself as I pushed the shirt down my neck. Thank god, I was fully dressed now.

"I think I'm gonna sleep." Elias said and I eyed him weirdly. "It's literally day now. A really bright shiny quite literal day?" I kind of exaggerated but he just shrugged.

I went outside, leaving Elias there to sleep alone. No one was in the cottage house anymore. Only Elias. I went to my friends and hung out with them for a while. Before I was about to leave Mia stopped me.

"You've been really close with Vega these days. Like what's going on? You're not forgetting us or something right?" she questioned and I laughed. "Are you stupid?" I questioned back and she rolled her eyes. She didn't bother to reply though.

"Of course not and he's really chill. Getting more people, correction chill and relaxed people in my life won't hurt." I said and Jess nodded. "He's right. Drop it Mia." she said and Mia replied with a 'whatever man, I'm joking' before she left. Duke following her shortly after that.

Now here's what we all did the whole day. Elias slept, Mia and Duke smooched faces, Serena talked and Jason tolerated her non-stop talking before he actually got tired and left to go near the lake but Serena followed him anyways. Oh, Jess and I—we just talked.

There was this big tree a bit away from our cottage houses. Jess and I sat under it. "We haven't talked properly in a while." Jess said. I nodded. "Yeah. Tell me about everything that had happened so far." I said and Jess smiled.

"Daniel." she called out my name. "Yes?" I calmly questioned her to answer me back but she stayed quite for a while. "What's wrong?" I asked her and she just shrugged. "Well, it's about time I tell you." she said and I stared at her dumbfounded.

"Tell me what?" I asked and she took a deep breath. "You probably know this and you definitely don't take this seriously but here goes nothing I guess." she said and paused. I was getting impatient and was about to interrupt but she spoke before I could.

"I like you." Three words. Just three words was what shook me to my core. Yeah, everyone went on and on about how Jess and I would look good with each other. Also the fact that she was overly clingy but I thought it was just a teenage thing? Being clingy and desperate all that. Also it's nothing weird because she hooked up with me. 6 times.

At this point we were fuck buddies but that's not the highlight of today's 'topic'. "Is this a prank?" Yep, definitely not the best way to respond. "No."

After that we sat there in silence for 10 good minutes but it was way too suffocating for me to handle so I ended up breaking it. Not a good idea but at least an idea. "Jess.." and she interrupted me.

"I know. It's alright but can I ask for something?" she questioned and I nodded. "What is it?" I asked. "Date me. No, not like for real. Just date me for a few days, weeks, months I don't care. But please. I've liked you for so long. I wanted you to be actually affectionate towards me. And I want it to be now Daniel. Do this for once, we've been friends for so long." she pleaded but looked me straight in the eye.

She was right. She has been with since like day 1. She's a good friend, she doesn't ask for much so letting my opinions, my feelings stay behind for once won't hurt much. I should be understanding. At least she cares for me. I don't want to lose people who care for me. I've been tired living with people who couldn't care less about me.

If this means I won't lose another decent, humane person in my life then I would gladly do it and so, I did. "Okay. Since now, we're sort of dating I guess." I said and she jumped to hug me then kissed me. "Thank you, thank you so much! You're the best! Thank you for keeping this one request." she thanked me a thousand times and finally let me go.

Mia called her over and she went away. So, I was left there alone. Well, it was a good thing because this was the perfect time to think things over. I should've done that earlier but whatever.

Though I agreed to this idiotic thing, I was still a little hesitant. I still had these weird feels about a certain someone who could not even in another universe share mutuality with me in this situation. And specially I didn't have anyone I could share this with. I mean all my friends were from the same group so it won't help much. It'll be just them falling into a dilemma.

Fuck. This is the kind of situation I wanted to avoid and look at my luck. I just got tangled up into one. Now there's two ways this can end. Jess accepts both of our fates and moves on after we end this or Jess breaks off our friendship irrationally, without thinking this through after we end this. But either way I have one option.

Ending this. Let it be sooner or later but I cannot progress, no—we cannot progress further without ending this.

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