47| Deja vu

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"Theres two

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"Theres two." I rant, glancing over at the girls. I let my head fall into my hands with a sigh. God, what have I gotten myself into? I think to myself.

"Yeah, there are two girls in my bed, yet I'm here listening to you rant." I heard Alyssa say

Looking over at her in shock. Did she actually just say that? Sav lets out a gasp as she speaks. "Without me?" God, I can't right now.

I have to race in about 2 hours, and I have to see him again in two hours. My nerves are all over the place, and my mind can only think of him.

"What do you mean there are two?" I hear Octavia asked. I lifted my head to look at all of my friends. My eyes caught Owens'. I felt like he was begging for me to be careful.

It was a different kind of being careful. Owen didn't want me to get too close to August again. He didn't want me to fall back into the deep hole I dug for myself two years ago.

"Two races. One tonight and one at the end of the month." I explain. Octavia's mouth forms into an o as she nods her head.

I watch as Owen leans back, his eyes slowly drifting over to a sleeping Seth.

Seth got here like a few hours ago, but I haven't been able to talk to him because he's been asleep and Owen won't let anyone wake him up.

Owen is like an overprotective boyfriend, yet they aren't even dating.

But there is so much tension when they are in the same room, it's almost suffocating.

Pushing off of the couch with a sigh. "I need to go get ready." I said this while pinching the bridge of my nose.


My eyes search the crowds of people, looking for a certain light brunette. He never said that he would be here, but I kind of was hoping he would show up.

I listen as cars race down the dark road. The burnt rubber and the smell of gasoline fills my nose.

Alyssa thinks I'm weird for liking the smell of it, but I grew up around cars and I race, so I can't help but love the smell.

I have about 20 minutes until it is my turn. pushing through groups of people so I can find one of my friends. I really don't care which one of them it is; I just need to be next to someone that I know.

I still find it a bit weird how much I have changed within the past three years. I used to hate being around people or talking to people.

People in general are what I don't like. It's probably because of how many messed-up people there are in the world.

or how many fake people there are. You never truly know someone until it's too late. It might just be my trust issues talking, but whatever.

I let out a sigh of relief when I spotted the top of Owen's white hair.

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