9| Wanted

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When I was little I would wish for my mother to want me again

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When I was little I would wish for my mother to want me again. I wished that she would come back and fix what she had broken, what she had shattered into a million pieces.

Wish that she would come back and love me again. To tell me that I was a good daughter. I wanted her to be a mother. I wanted her to come and save my father from himself.

From the alcohol.

I'm guessing my wishes did come true but she wanted me for a different reason.

She wanted a perfect life. But I could never give her that. Fuck I can't even give myself that. So how the hell am I supposed to give happiness to anyone.

Flash back
13 years old

"Why can't you just act fucking normal!" My mother yelled as she threw her hands up.
I staring at the white wall of my room.

Wanting all of this to go away.
Wanting to be happy. I didn't want to be yelled at all of the freaking time. My happiness was ripped from my chest 5 years ago.

There's like a hole in my chest that can't be filled. Just a black hole.

"Why are you such a fuck up." She continued. I'm trying so hard not to break. But it's so freaking hard.

My Dad used to say I need to be strong in a world like this. Because this world is filled with so much hate and anger.

'It's not like the fairy tales.' He would say, and he's right. He was always right.

"Are you even fucking listening London?" Her voice became more frustrated. I was listening how could I not when you're freaking yelling?

Flash back ended

The hot water hitting my back. I looking down just letting the water roll off my body. I wish my life was different.

I wonder if I was able to stay with my grandma and grandpa would be different? Or would I be the same...the same fucked up girl with issues?

Turned off the shower before getting out. I wrap my body in a white towel. Doing my morning routine.

After I get done I go to my closet to grab an outfit for the day. I'm so thankful that college doesn't have a dress code or I would lose my fucking mind.

Throwing the towel in the hamper I have in the corner of my room. Slipping on a black lace bralette and black panties before putting on a black long sleeve crop top that had two strings that crossed at the bottom.

Pairing it with baggy jeans. Grabbing my black Air Jordan 1's. Leaving my long black hair down.

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