30| fixing it

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What the hell was I thinking? What is wrong with me? I'm so fucking stupid

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What the hell was I thinking? What is wrong with me? I'm so fucking stupid. I should have told her. I would have told her. But I was afraid. What was I afraid of? I don't even fucking know.

I've wanted this internship since I was like 15. But if that means leaving London behind, then I don't know if it's worth it. I made her promise not to leave me, but here I am leaving her.

I stood up from my seat as I heard them call my gate number. London's words replayed in my head. "You know what, forget it. I don't even know why I'm mad. It's not like we were together." The way her honey colored eyes instantly held regret in them.

Then my grandfather's words from today's phone call played in my mind. "I'll meet you when you land, son." If I miss this plane, then he'll be disappointed in me. And I'll miss my chances at this internship. I'll have to wait another year or two. I might not even get the chance again.

But if I get on this plane, then I lose the chance to fix what me and London have.

"Ticket please, sir." The lady asked nicely. She tried to give a polite smile, but I could tell she just wanted to leave. I go to pull my ticket out, but I turned to her and say.  "Umm, I think I'm at the wrong gate." I lied. The lady give me a looked confused.

"Do you need help hon?" I shook my head. "No, no thank you." I said, an quickly grabbing my things.
As I pick up my pace, I can hear the suitcase rolling on the floor.

I pulled out my phone and called for a taxi. I'm so fucking screwed.


I had gone to London's dorm but I got no answer. I've called and texted. I've even looked at the library, the pool, and the fucking parking lot just to see if her car was there.

It is, but I noticed she had left before I left for the airport earlier. So I know she is back, but I just have no fucking idea where she is.

She could be in her dorm, ignoring you.

Don't say that.

What it's true.

I last placed I could think of was either the train tracks or at the lagoon we had went to a while ago. I slip through the slightly opened gate, making my way to the train tracks.

I let out a sigh when I see that ours spot was empty. I start making my way to what I hope is the direction of the lagoon.

What if she is just at her dorm, ignoring me?

What if she meant the things she said?

What if London doesn't want me?

All the different scenarios and possibilities of this outcome have my mind racing to figure out a situation to this problem so I can fix it.

But what if I can't fix it. When I hear runing water I was relieved that I hadn't gone in the wrong direction.

I look around the lagoon in aw. It's so beautiful it could have come straight out of a fantasy book. It looks untouched, like no one has ever been here besides us.

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