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Ten years ago

"Grandpa!" I ran into my grandpa's warm embrace.
I've missed coming to grandpas shop. "Hi pumpkin, go get your work clothes on." He patted my back.
A bright smile took over my face. I nod running into the back room where my grandpa lets me keep my work clothes.

Going to the bathroom; quickly changing into a baggy white T-shirt and some dirty blue jeans. Also making sure not to forget my boots.

Making my way back to the garage I see only the bottom half of my grandpa's body. He's already starting. I gasp getting ready to run over to him.

"Don't you dare run London Fane." I stop dead in my tracks hearing my grandpa's stern voice. "What happened the last time?" I watch him push out from under the car. "Hmm?" Raising his dark eyebrows waiting for my response.

"I fell and hit my head." My grandpa nodded his head; motioning me to come to him. Walking over to him with my head turned towards the ground.

"Look honey I don't want you to get hurt I'm not mad at you, London." He said pulling me into his side. I sighed before wrapping my small arms around his torso.

"I know papa."

Two months later

"Please papa please don't let them take me." I sobbed trying to get out of the woman's grip.
Watching my grandma hold her hand over her mouth as she cried.

My grandpa stood there arguing with the police officer. "No my son would want us to take care of her!" He shouted.

Ripping out of the lady's old I rush to my grandpa; colliding into him. Clenching onto his dirty white shirt. "Please I don't want to go grandpa please don't make me. I'll be good. I promise I'll be good." I sobbed.

Don't let them take me. I don't want to go. I want to stay here and live with grandma and grandpa. Why do I have to go?

Feeling hands that aren't familiar grip my arm. "No, I don't want to go!" I screamed. I don't want to go why don't they understand. Why don't they listen?

"See officer she doesn't want to leave." My grandma spoke. "I'm sorry ma'am but we need to take her. That is what the court papers say."

But why I don't want to leave this is where I want to stay.

"Goddamn it just let her go so I can say goodbye to my grand-baby!" Grandpa shouted. Feeling the office let me go. Grandpa pulled away from me, kneeling down to my level.

Cupping my face. "We'll get you back pumpkin. You won't be there for long." He whipped my tears away.
My heart sunk at his words. The words that mean I'm being taken away from the only family I know.

"Please grandpa. I don't want to go." I begged, shaking my head as I cried. "We know baby." My grandma's sweet voice came from beside me.

Being pulled into grandpa's warm embrace. "We'll get you back." He whisper into my ear before I was ripped out of his hold.

"No please let me go!" I twisted in the office arms.
"Grandpa!" I cried out looking back at the auto shop that my grandpa owned. Watching my grandma sob in my grandpa's arms.

Being placed into the backseat of the office vehicle. The office quickly shut the door. "Grandma, Grandpa please!" Crying out as I hit the window of the car with my fist as the shop and grandparents got farther away.

Sweet Temptation | 18+Where stories live. Discover now