The Confession

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Rose's POV

I never though that I'd find myself surrounded by hot men let alone men that seem to be interested in me. I've been enjoying playing with them but my virginity is going to be saved for someone special. I can't help but feel like there's something going on that I'm not aware of. I'm getting changed for this evening's party when Sophie comes in to remind me that we're having a conversation first.

"Rose! You look beautiful already girl! Let's head downstairs before these boys chicken out of this conversation." Um ok? Why would they chicken out? I follow her back down the steps to the living areas that has these large men sitting on the couches. I decide to sit in an armchair across from everyone else. I never noticed the other day how beautiful this house truly is. An elegant 2 story house with large picture windows instead of walls in the living room. I didn't notice them previously because there's large privacy curtains that can cover them.

"So what's up?" I hesitantly ask.

Colton chimes in, "do you believe there are things in this world that aren't easily explained? Anything supernatural like aliens...witches...wolves....vampires..etc?

"I think there's probably ghosts, angel and demons but I'm not sure of the rest."

"Well we have something we'd like to show you, although it would probably be better if I go first." Colton looked at me and his eyes started to swirl while I remained enchanted then suddenly the canines of his teeth seemed to jut out.

"I am what is called a hybrid. My mother was a wolf an my father was a vampire. They were mates and fell fast and deep in love with each other. Sophie is also a hybrid like me. We can both change into wolves or we can stay in human form and feed on blood. The good thing about being hybrids is we can also consume food instead of just blood."

"Ok guys is it April fool's day? This shit is too much for me.

"No Rose," Sophie interjected, "we have more to say and then if you have any questions we promise to answer them.

I didn't answer, just simply nodded my agreement.

"Brent, Damien and Joel seemed to be locked in a staring contest until finally Joel spoke up. "The 3 of us, we are full blooded wolves." Wow these guys are nuts. I though that I was lucky to make friends so quick but I'm wondering if I should've stayed clear instead.

"Rose please say something." Sophie begged.

" I think I need to see to believe. Are you able to or do you need to wait for a full moon?"

"No, no, and we will be happy to answer all your questions afterwards.

The boys all stood up and started stripping. "Whoa whoa hold on!" I covered my eyes but not before I saw my teacher with a sexy smirk on his face. I can feel my whole body blushing at the thought of all these naked men. The air is filled with the sounds of bones cracking and snapping.

"You can look now Rose," Sophia says.

I peek through my fingers and see 4 large and beautiful wolves staring at me. One has glowing red eyes which is probably Colton, the other yellow which is probably Joel and 2 of them have glowing blue eyes which must be the twins. "Oh my god...this is amazing!" Colton crawls down on all fours and slowly approaches with his ears tucked backwards. I reach out and slowly start stroking his beautiful and glorious dark blonde coat. His tongue sticks out and licks my face which makes me giggle. I can feel him purring and I can't help the large grin that adorns my face.

"Are his eyes red because he's part vampire?"

"Yes" Sophie said.

The other wolves approached me with confident struts and started nudging my legs and licking me all over my body. I can't believe this. They are wolves! It feels like I'm dreaming although maybe that explains why they are all so fucking hot. "Ok guys you can turn back now." I closed my eyes and waited for Sophie to let me know it's all clear. After more snapping I felt strong arms circle my body and gently remove my hands from my face. To my surprise it's my teacher.

"You don't need to worry about us Rose, none of us will hurt you," he murmured in my ears. I felt him place a soft kiss on the top of my head.

"This is so wrong, you're my teacher."

"That's the other part of this conversation we need to have with you" Brent chimed in.

"You are our mate." Joel said.

"Mate? What does that even mean?"

Damien spoke up, "that means you were made for us. You are our other half, our soulmate. From now until forever we will treat you with love and respect and hope that you will return our feelings."

"That doesn't make sense, I'm a human, and how can I have 4 soulmates?"

"It doesn't make sense to any of us either but there's no mistaking our wolves' cries for mate. Take your time sweetheart, we have the rest of our lives to spend with you."

"Joel, if I'm your soulmate why did you cheat on me?" I heard gasps from the other's except for Colton, I wonder if he told him that he's my ex.

Joel's POV

"I know I fucked up Rose. At the time I didn't know you were my mate, none of us knew until your 18th birthday when our wolves told us. I'm so sorry about how things ended but I can promise that would never happen again." I grasped her hands and held them to my chest hoping she could see and sense my sincerity. I wish things happened differently and maybe she would still be mine.

"Like I said Joel, I need time. As far as everyone else, what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to choose or am I with all of you? There's so many questions that I have that I don't know where to start." Rose said.

Damien spoke up, " I know that you can feel the chemistry between us and I see how you look at them as well. I would love the opportunity to get to know you better and hopefully with time we can have more. We can go at your pace whether it's fast or slow, doesn't matter."

"Well I know we went a little fast so far...." Rose started to blush furiously. "Right now though let's hold this conversation and I'd like to enjoy the party. Hey Sophie who else did you invite?"

"Girl there's going to be so many people from school there and maybe even more! We will have to wait and see who shows up."

"I really can't wait! By the way where are your parents? I haven't seen anyone?"

"This is Colton's house and I live with him, our parents are in New Mexico enjoying RV life for some reason."

"Oh that's so cool, so I should thank Colton for letting us have this party."

Colton said, "sweetheart don't worry about it, I'd do anything for you." Then he threw her a wink. Wow talk about laying it on thick.

I decide to walk towards the woods so I could be one with nature. I really need to release my wolf and run. I've given a lot of thought today about how I miss my Rosie and what I can do to win her trust back. I strip then change into my wolf and take off deep into the forest. I'll be back in time for your party Rose, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Help! I Have a Supernatural Harem of MenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora