Chapter 27

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Right, lets try and fix some peter trauma.
Also peter is adopted by the Starks after some issues with May

As i followed Nat, we arrived quickly at the kitchen. Of course, we were not alone. It seemed that everyone was there. Planned? Most definitely. I looked around the room and could see everyone except Peter discreetly looking at me from under their eyelashes. Nat left me to go and sit down, which left only one seat available. I'm pretty sure you can guess who it was next to?

I sighed, and went to go take my seat remembering my plan. Fake it till you make it. I'd just go along with whatever whilst avoiding the people I don't want to talk to. They cant force me to talk, but i have a sneaky suspicion they can force me to do things. I mean they are the avengers. They might be the enemy yet their powers are very cool and advanced. As i sat down in between Tony and Peter, Steve cleared his throat. It's seemed to grab everyone's attention as if it wasn't already on me.

(Seating plan)
Steve. Nat
Wanda.| | Peter
Thor. | |Emma
Bruce. | | Tony
Bucky Pepper

"So Emma we would like to do some team bonding today if that's ok with you?" He directed at me. I hesitantly nodded. I cant seem too eager, can i? "so first we would like to ask you some questions. Get to now everyone a little bit better. Seeing as we are all athletes we'll go to the gym and then end the day with the movie. Also i must remind you that there's no trying to escape due to your Stark Band on you're ankle. Also you will not be left alone in the time you reside here. For safety purposes."

His last comment made me aware of what was currently residing on my ankle. Gosh, I'm not a baby. Why are they making it so hard to actually be decent and give me basic rights!? But I'm not here to make a scene so i just allow it. It seems that some emotion of my disappointment shone through as Nat decided to comment on it.
"Don't look so upset Emma, you brought this upon yourself. We are just looking out for you"
"Looking out for me, my ass" i thought. Oh shit, can Wanda hear what I'm saying? No, obviously not how could i forget i was trained for this and it's a subconscious practice my brain does. Thank god! I almost had a heart attack! You know that sinking, nervous feeling in your chest?
All you have to do to achieve a mental block is to focus on your thoughts and make a barrier around them. I decided to test it out by thinking of my wall falling, and a pressure was released from my head. I didn't realise the amount of energy that took.

I put the barrier straight back up though as i want my thoughts to myself and don't trust an Avenger that's against me, to not read my mind. Plus now i can think of whatever i want with no issues.

Of course Tony has to have the last word in every conversation so he adds "But first, let's enjoy our breakfast"

Everyone starts digging in, grabbing food from the middle of the table. There was still plenty left as i grabbed my food. I'm guessing they do enough for seconds, and possibly thirds. Makes sense
I noticed everyone grabbed food except Peter. He continued to seem zoned out with his head in his arms, and nobody was making any move to help him. It didn't look like any normal tiredness, yet like a sleepless night. I doubt that's what happened as Peter always seemed to be able to sleep after situation.  I grabbed 5 pancakes, some maple syrup a banana and some Nutella. I made 2 pancakes with suryp and banana and 3 with Nutella. I then kept the banana and suryp ones on my plate whilst putting the other 3 on Peter's plate. I may not be on good terms with him right now, but that doesn't mean I don't have a heart! I can't not give someone food when they are in this state! It's what my dad always did with me when i had bad days. Food always makes you feel better!

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