Chapter 11

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As i was walking out of school i was angry and cursing at myself after hearing those words from the P.E teacher. I'm sorry that my family isn't here to help me! Due to this commotion, i didn't see the massive man in my path. I noticed him too late, as i was stuck across my face, with what felt like brass knuckles. Now this would've knocked a normal person out, but with my newfound powers and general strength i was still conscious just in a lot of pain. As i descended back up to face the man, i realised that he was a mugger, and that my phone was partly cracked on the pavement around 10 metres away from me. I was currently even angrier, which i didn't think was possible. And so i took on the mugger with no mercy.

He was staring at me menacingly.He had a major height advantage so i had use my shortness to mine, and so i slid under his legs before his knuckles could hit me again. I then kicked his knee cap making him wither in pain crumpled on the floor, but he wasn't giving up! Why cant it just be this easy!? He stumbled up obviously in pain and tried to punch me again, but i just put him out of his misery by jumping, and wrapping my legs around his neck (you know that iconic black widow move in the iron man films) whilst rendering him unconscious. I then picked up my phone and started running home, needing to feed this violent urge as the Menace and maybe use my powers, but that didn't happen.

As i turned the corner in the alley to get home, i heard footsteps above me, and so i looked up. And to make this day even worse there were people in obvious spy outfits with a weird octopus symbol on them attempting to hide;they were failing miserably. I realised that i was in a dangerous and vulnerable position if they were after me, so i stuffed my phone in my pocket, to climb up onto the roof and have a fair fight.

As i reached the top of the roof, i clearly mistook how many of them i thought there were. There were around 25 soldiers up here, obviously trained professionally. But i think what really baffled me, was the fact that there were 2 different types of soldiers up here. There were women soldier in black with tinted red uniforms, whilst there were some women and the men with just standard black uniforms on with the weird octopus sign on, and they had different stances. This really freaked me out as they had GUNS!! I mean i cant survive against a bullet, and so i turned on my heel and started running the heck out of there!

I didn't get very far until a man ran in front of me and started attacking me. I didn't have much time to register it, and so i tried my best but this guy was amazing, he had no weak spots,and i could see he was checking for mine. This was my chance! As he was looking i fake punched him whilst kicking him in the nuts, and the kicking him in the head, rendering another guy unconscious. As i turned around, i saw more and more of them advancing, and so i made the rash decision to not use my powers, because if they do as i suspect work for a bigger operative, i will undoubtedly be found out. I just had to be weary of their guns. And so i started battling it out with these people, sometimes 3 at a time.

I have been fighting for 10 minutes, and i am struggling massively. Also how has no one noticed this commotion!!?  Anyway, back to the battle. So I've successfully knocked out around 15 of these people and pushed off around 6 of them off the building. They haven't come back up and so i wont talk about them but the drop wasn't that far and they should be ok. I currently have been cut around 50 times, and i think a couple of my ribs are broken. I am a mess, yet my adrenaline is still fuelling me, and so i carry on. There are still around 9 of them left, and so i try my absolute hardest. I kick, punch and take a gun from one of the people i knocked out. I dint want to shoot anyone, but they were advancing on me with heir own weapons whilst i had nothing. It was my life or theirs.

I closed my eyes and shot as many bullets as i could in that direction hoping i hit something/someone. I couldn't bear to look. After 30 second there was no sound, and so i opened my eyes, and to my surprise there was 8 of them on the floor with the bullets from this gun glowing blue and electrocuting them. They then stopped shaking, and so I checked to see if they still  had a pulse, and they did! I could lay down and cry! I was so happy i didn't actually killed anyone! But then it dawned on me, these bullets weren't meant to kill, they were meant to immobilise someone! Where these people trying to take me!? If so what were they going to do with me!? But i was knocked out of these thoughts rapidly.

There was one woman left. She was in the tinted red outfit, which I thought looked ok, but my green tinted Menace one was superior she had kicked me in the head and i took a tumble. As i got back up i realised just how scary this lady was. Her face was void of any emotion and she was already advancing on me. I got up and tried to taker out her legs but she jumped. She then punched my head, whilst continuously kicking and punching the rest of my body. My adrenaline was also running out. She kept attacking me, and i was loosing but it seemed as if my powers gave me a surge of energy. It wasn't massive but it was enough.

I started blocking whilst getting a few hits in myself. But then this lady jumped above me in a backflip in attempt to change the game, but it seemed as if everything had slowed down in that moment. I could see the woman right above me, and that her whole body was open,and so i didn't question why everything had slowed down and took my opportunity to take her down.  Everything after that's as a blur and all i could see was this woman on the floor clutching her stomach. She was in   the perfect position for me to question her as she was in pain.

I then held the lady up by her uniform and held her against a wall. A part of me felt bad for doing this but the other part of me outweighed the feeling as they obviously wanted to hurt me as well.  I then proceeded to ask her who she was, who she worked for and why she and her companions were after me. But all I receive was silence. I then asked again, but i could see that she was doing something in her mouth. I dint know what she was doing until it was too late. I saw foam come out of her mouth, whilst she whispered "We know" only barely loud enough for me to hear. Her limos body then dropped from my grasp and her tanned face, grew more and more pale, whilst her chestnut brown hair stuck to her face and her vibrant blue eyes lost their shine. This was too much, it was all too much! I couldn't hold it in anymore. My eyes drowned in tears, whilst my blue power radiated off me in a flame like state and i punched a hole in the roof i was standing on.

After around 20 minutes i looked around at all of the unconscious bodies scattered around me, with the words "we know" ringing in my head. Who knew? What did they know? How did they know anything about me? Do they know about my powers, my family? These were very scary thoughts and i needed to leave before anybody saw me in the mass of this commotion. I ran over to my backpack that i dropped and felt my phone miraculously still in my pocket, and with that i ran home. I quickly locked the door double checking it, whilst also locking the windows. I was not taking any chances.

I then climbed into my bed, and hid under the covers. I was not going anywhere tomorrow in case there were more people after me. The city could deal without me tonight. I also didn't want my mum to go out tomorrow, so i'm going to make myself look very sick so i can miss school and she can stay with me throughout the day. I then quickly whilst still under the covers got my phone out and set an alarm for 6;30 so i could catch my mum just as she wakes up. I then slid further into the comfort of my bed and went to sleep wondering how much danger was i myself and possibly my mum in? How dangerous were these people!? Why did they want me? What do they know?

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