Chapter 21

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A/n: hey guys sorry for not a lot of updates recently. For the past month I've had my GCSE's but they are over now and so i have more time for writing and updating my story! Thank you out to the ones who have waited. Once again i am truly sorry x

After we got off the helicopter me and Jason were escorted by some Hydra agents in disguise. They looked like normal civilians and I was worried about walking around in our gear. I mean none of our weapons were showing but it wasn't the normal attire people wear on a day-to-day basis. I knew this from looking at others. And there was something nagging at the back of my mind whilst looking at others and feeling a familiarity between different clothes. Fortunately we got no weird glances which confused me. I'd have to research that or maybe ask a superior. Nevertheless I continued on my journey as there was nothing special about their clothes and ours and that I had a mission to complete.

After walking around for 20 minutes and seeing some of the coolest things I have ever seen we were in the hotel. On the walk over here I saw many nice buildings. I felt at home. I think this is where i used to live. But i cant be sure anymore as my memories are jumbled at the minute.

I mean was I shocked we had a pretty bad looking hotel? No it's the way to stay less conspicuous. I am annoyed about it? Yes! Of course I am. I feel as though the only things I've seen in my life is the walls of the red room. I mean I do remember my old life, but recently it's been blurring a lot as new memories are being made. I want to experience the world and make even better memories. Maybe with that boy Peter I always seem to remember. He is the only clear thing in my memories. His face and voice. But I'll think about him when I am in the clear. I needed to complete this mission. Then I will be closer to maybe leaving the institute as I pay off my debt. I would then find my mom. She's always in my mind. I can't believe she's dead. Where would her body be buried? We only had each other so there was no one to do that sort of stuff for her. I am angry that she was never there in my life. I don't think I can forgive her for wasting and making my life hard when she didn't need to. With that thought i felt anger coursing through my veins. That memory of her always prepares me for missions and getting into my no mercy headset. Even more so than usual.

Whilst we were walking around Emma was in shock for the most of it. She looked like an idiot. She looked like the worst tourist. I mean it does help cover ourselves from drawing bad attention, but it's embarrassing to be seen with her. She better not mess this up for me. I need this. I need her to help. She needs to hold up her end of the bargain. We turned up at our hotel which was a little shabby and her smile disappeared? It was cute but what did she expect? She's apparently been in the buisness long enough so she should know that we don't stay in 5 star hotels. We can't draw attention like that. I'm starting to think I'm gonna have to be extra careful with her. She's an idiot. But the superiors trust her and so I have to as well.

With that we entered the hotel where the man gave me another file, told us where everything we needed was and left. It was only us.

For a while we just stared at each other wondering what to do. Our mission was at 12pm and it was currently 9. Her big blue eyes were shining and I couldn't help but stare. She looked away and I felt my heart move? Move why is it moving? My heart is stopping and I'm getting angry about it.

"How about you go and get changed now that we have arrived and didn't have to fight anyone on our way here and then you stay on that side of the room. Then I go and get changed and I stay on my side afterwards. Then when it's 11 I'll make lunch and then we'll head off?" I said in the nicest tone I could muster. I don't want her mad at me yet I needed to be in control of this situation. She needs me and my help. I know it.
She agrees with me and goes and grabs the clothes on the bed for her and goes into the bathroom to change.
I slump down on the bed. Ever since this mission I have been feeling new emotions and I don't like them. It's obviously because of her. I know what these feelings could be but I don't want to believe it. And so I will treat her as I treat anyone else I do missions with. We will never see each other again and so it's worthless. I do not deserve her anyway.
She comes back in silently to the room and she looks somehow even better in these clothes. God Jason get her out of your head!

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