Chapter 19

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I awoke with a splitting headache in a bland, murky and mouldy grey room. Nothing made sense. My brain was in agony with glimpses of life happening and reminding me. I seem to remember everything up until my best friend Peter leaving me for some other friends. Where am i? Where's my mom? Is she ok? Why can't I remember where i am? What day is it?  I sat there for around 20 minutes contemplating where the hell i could be. I couldn't really os much else as the pain in my head prevented me from doing even the littlest movements. I'm pretty sure thats why i didn't hear this creepy lady come in. I mean, there's no other explanation due to the fact that i am the menace, and I really heavily on my hearing and instincts. I doubt I would've lost those skill however long I've been here.
Madame B
"Hello....who are you?"
"I have no time to lose, so i will get straight to the point. I'm Madame B. You're mother is dead. She was killed. You were about to be put in an orphanage, due to the fact that you had no remaining family, but we came through and rescued you. In return, we expect you to pay us back by doing service to our company. If you don't there will be a severe price to pay. First we will reveal to the world that you are The Menace, and then we will kill those who are closest to you. If those do not work, more drastic measures will be taken. Do not by any means try to escape, or you will be punished accordingly. The same goes for not doing what you are told. You have been warned, if you step out of line you will regret it. I will guide you back to your room, but i expect you to be ready by tomorrow morning"
"Umm...why should i trust you? I mean, i just don't think people nowadays have the money to take care of random kids"
Right, i just got hit. My confidence boost was now lost, and so i happily obliged to follow this women. It's good to see i still have my humour, although i know this facade wont last and the news the woman told me, will hit me. I'm just in one of my paralysed moods where i act cocky, but as soon as i am alone, i will cry.  The same thing happened when peter left me for his friends. It started out slow, but eventually it as left by self keeping up my happy face when i saw him, yet crying at home when i realised my only friend left me and that I obviously wasn't good enough. But just like the Menace, i will prove to people what I'm worth. I will prove to my mother, especially now that i am worth it, and i will turn into the person she would've wanted to spend time with. And if that meant doing what these people wanted, then so be it.

Everything that happened after that was a blur. I was handcuffed to a bed which was full of many other girls and women. I didn't get any sleep, instead i cherished the memories of the little time my mom and i spent together. It turned sour quite quickly. What was so wrong with me that she didn't want to find time for me? Ill prove her wrong. Ill prove that i am loveable and that people do want to spend time with me. This organisation obviously wants me more than her. I also worried about who would protect my hometown. Was that where my mother was killed? No matter how bad she treated me, i still care for her, even though she is gone. If it was somebody from my hometown i better ace whatever this company has in store for me, so i can get back out there. I guess Spider-Man will have to keep a keen eye out until I'm back.

When i awoke, i wasn't tired. Sure, I hadn't fallen asleep but i was high on adrenaline, ready to complete everything that needed doing.
Everybody was shoved into groups by the guards, and i didn't have the energy to shout and ask, whether i was in the wrong group with these woman, as everything i had ever cared about since my dads death was gone. I was on my own now. I had no one left to protect. I will do whatever it takes for me to win my freedom. I didnt care anymore.
Two months later
Let's just say my care free attitude got me far. So far i had not been to the discipline rooms with the guards like some of the others did, however that doesn't mean i didn't get hurt by them in training. I made no friends as i would likely end up having to kill them, so there was no point in making connections. Plus, with the jealous looks, they were giving me for being younger than them and still being able to beat them...well lets just say that it did nothing to help my attitude towards them.

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