Sanguine Love

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Mew reached the place where Liam was holding Gulf captive. He hadn't contacted police in fear Liam would hurt Gulf. Before he could do anything he was hit on head from behind. He lost consciousness immediately and Liam carried him to the room where Gulf was. Gulf had regressed because of such hostile environment and fear. He had been crying nonstop and Liam was getting frustrated with his constant crying.

"Will you shut up already?" He shouted.

"Bub...w-wants to go h-h-home." Gulf stuttered.

"Like hell that's happening so just shut that mouth of yours."

"B-Bub needs Mewie." He kept wailing.

Liam tied Mew's hands behind his back and kicked him few times to wake him up. After a while, Mew opened his eyes groggily and looked around to determine where he was. When he spotted Gulf he tried to stand up but Liam kicked him to the ground.


"Mewie? Save bub."

"I'll baby. Don't cry. You'll exhaust yourself."

"Aww, you guys look so cute." Liam said sarcastically.

"I'm here so let Gulf go."

"Who says I'm letting anyone go?"

"You really are a piece of trash. Let Gulf go. Why are you hurting him like this?"

"Because he deserves it. You both do actually. My demands were very simple. Had you both agreed to it I wouldn't have to resort to violence."

"You've no right to treat Gulf like he's just a toy. He's a person and you can't expect people to do whatever you want. The world doesn't freaking revolve around you."

"It sure as hell does if I want it to."

"What's the point of doing all this? You've already lost. Prosecution is after you anyway so just give up now."

"If I'm going down then I'll take you both with me to hell."

"Stop this craziness. Do you think you'll get away with this?" Mew asked in an attempt to buy time.

Vegas knew that Mew had gone alone to meet Liam. At first he had refused to let him go alone but eventually relented. They had installed tracking app on their phones so Vegas could know where Mew was. He had informed the police about everything and they were finally on move. He just hoped he wouldn't be late.

Liam was enjoying watching Mew trying to console Gulf while he sobbed hysterically but it wasn't enough. He wanted to see more pain in their eyes.

"I wonder what sort of face you'll make if I break your boy right in front of your eyes? That look of devastation would be worth it all." He chuckled evilly.

"DON'T YOU DARE. LET HIM GO. YOU JERK, LET MY HUSBAND GO." Mew struggled violently against the restraint but only made the rope cut into his wrist.

"Before that why don't I let Gulf watch you getting beaten?"

He started kicking Mew as he curled himself to minimize the damage. He just needed to get his hands free then he would kill them all. Liam picked up a bottle on the table and hit Mew on head with it. For few minutes, Mew was disoriented. Fortunately, he didn't lose consciousness. He could feel blood trickling down his face but hardly cared about that. He picked up a broken piece of bottle and tried to cut the rope subtly.

Gulf screamed when Liam hit Mew with the bottle. He felt so helpless right now. All he could do was scream and cry while Mew was suffering. It all started because of him and Mew was paying price for it. He thrashed frantically hoping to get the ropes to loosen. Liam was laughing when he saw Gulf's futile attempt to free himself.

"You're so adorable, Gulf. You look prettier while crying. I like this look on your face."

"B-Bub will k-kill you. You hurt Mewie." He sniffled.

"Aww, are you threatening me? Did the baby learn to act tough? You're a weakling. Do you think you can do anything? All you're good at is causing trouble."

"Don't hurt Mewie. Bub will do as you say but don't hurt Mewie anymore." He begged.

"Now I like the sound of that. Did you hear him, Mew?"

"Bub, don't listen to him." Mew tried to pacify Gulf.

"Mew, watch as I claim your husband."


"Your bub gave me permission. I have his consent. Right, Gulf?"

"Yes. Just let Mewie go."

"I will once I get what I want. Why don't we get comfortable on the couch while your husband watches?"

Liam untied Gulf from the chair and Gulf immediately smacked him in face and ran towards Mew. Liam quickly recovered and grabbed Gulf by hair, dragging him as he screamed. By that time, Mew had cut the rope tying his hand. He lunged at Liam and socked him face making him release Gulf. Mew pulled Gulf behind him as he saw Liam take out a knife.

"You won't get out of here alive."

"Gulf, get out of here."

"Bub is not leaving you."

"Listen to me for now. GULF GO."

"N-No, not without you. No."

Liam attacked Mew managing to slice his arm but Mew got hold of his hand and twisted it behind his back. They fought as Gulf sobbed and screamed because Liam had managed to stab Mew once in stomach. Mew fell down to the floor and Liam started chasing Gulf. Gulf tripped over something and fell down. He crawled backwards as Liam advanced towards him. Before Liam could harm him, police arrived at the scene. They arrested Liam. Gulf ran towards Mew who was bleeding on the floor.

Mew had lost consciousness as Gulf shouted his name. They took him to the hospital. He was taken for the operation while Gulf and Vegas waited outside. Gulf was covered in Mew's blood. Vegas had told him to go home and rest but he refused. He wasn't going anywhere until Mew woke up. He was snapped out of regressed state when they reached the hospital. He looked at his hands covered in his husband's blood, hating himself more by every second.

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