Inappropriate Request

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Gulf had shut himself in the writing room for quite some time. Since both of then had started sleeping in the same room, Mew decided to turn the spare room into a writing room for Gulf. At first, Gulf had been against it claiming there's no need for that since he had no inclination for working on novels and stuff but eventually he warmed up to the idea. Mew had decorated the room beautifully so it helped Gulf focus.

He had been taking few online creative writing workshops and they were quite fun so he stuck with them

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He had been taking few online creative writing workshops and they were quite fun so he stuck with them. He had started with the basic and could write engaging dialogues now. He was proud of his work. He had thought he was useless but that wasn't true at all. Accomplishing these little things gave him strength and confidence. He couldn't be more happy than he was now with his husband, doing things he loved. Mew didn't even realize how much he had changed Gulf. He was breaking the shell bit by bit and for the first time Gulf could see what the world looks like.

Mew entered the room with coffee and pastry. He placed the tray on the table and hugged Gulf from behind. They stayed like that for a while, simply content in each other's embrace. Mew pecked Gulf on cheek and fed him the pastry. Gulf loved when Mew fed him like this. It made him feel loved.

"So how's it going?" Mew asked.

"Good. Better than I had expected."

"What would you like for dinner?"

Gulf looked at the time, "Oh, it's already that late. Wait I'll cook."

"Gulf, you just do your work. I'm cooking today."

"But you came back from office."

"So what? You cook everyday. I'll cook for my bub today."

Gulf stared at him lovingly, "How did I get this lucky?"


"I'm glad I met you, Mew. You don't know how much your acceptance and love means to me."

"Gulf, do you think it's hard to accept you? You're the easiest thing to love. I don't even have to try."

"All I know is that I've wasted all these years looking for something, a sort of trophy I'd get only if really, really did enough to deserve it. But I don't want it anymore, I want something else now, something warm and sheltering, something can turn to, regardless of what I do, regardless of who I become. Something that will just be there, always, like tomorrow's sky. For me that's you."

"You definitely are a writer. You made my heart flutter." Mew blushed.

Gulf laughed, "Is my Mewie shy?"

"I like that. When you laugh without any restraint, it soothes me." Mew said.

"I'm giving you extra cuddle today."

It was Tuesday morning when Gulf was disturbed during his online classes by the door bell. He went to open the door and was met with an unpleasant sight, Liam. It irked him to be disturbed like this by someone like Liam.

"What is it?" Gulf snapped.

"I'm here to meet Mew."

"He's not here as you should know since it's weekday."

"Oh my bad." Liam chuckled.

Gulf started closing the door when Liam stopped him, "Not so fast. I need to talk to you about something."


"It's not a discussion for outdoor."

Gulf stepped aside letting Liam enter the house. They once again seated in the living room.

"So, it looks like you didn't tell Mew about my visit? Why is that?" Liam smirked.

"I simply forgot."

"Oh really?"

"Yes." Gulf frowned at his smiling face.

"I have preposition for you, dear."

"Don't call me dear." Gulf said with disdain.

"Why? You look quite annoyed today. What's the matter?"

"Nothing. Just say what you came here for."

"I want you to become my special friend."


"I am sure you get what I meant."

"No, I didn't and I don't want to."

"We could get close, you know. I really like you as a person, Gulf. We could do lots of things together. I don't think Mew can satisfy you. Why don't we give each other a chance?"

Gulf yelled, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Gulf calm down. No need to overreact."

Gulf stood up in anger, "Overreact? I know what you are implying. Get the hell out."

The expression on Liam's hardened, "Behave, Gulf. Just because I have been soft to you doesn't mean I'll take any sort of disrespect from you."

"Then get out of here."

"Do you even realize whom you are talking to? The consequences of such action would be dire."

Gulf said curtly, "I'm not afraid of you."

"You should be, baby. It's going to get really ugly now. You have no concern for your husband?"

"Mew is not afraid of you either."

"We will see when his company is suffering whom he'll choose." He smirked.

Gulf gulped nervously, "My Mew will always choose me."

Liam rolled his eyes, "Yeah, right. This is my business card. Call me when you change your mind."

Gulf huddled in the bedroom surrounded by Mew's clothes and plushies to calm himself down. He couldn't stop thinking about what Liam had said. He was a powerful man with high connections, he could make things happen on whim. Mew came back to darkness, all lights were off. He got worried and started searching for Gulf.

"Gulf?" He came to their bedroom and switched on the lights.

"What happened?" He asked in concern.

Gulf whimpered when he saw Mew and jumped on him, hugging him tightly.

"Bub? Is everything okay?"

Gulf sniffled softly as he buried his face in Mew's neck.

Mew sat down on the bed, "It's okay, bun. I'm here. It's all okay."

They stayed like that for a while until Gulf calmed down, "He came here."

"Who did?"



"He came few days ago too. He was looking for you. I told him you weren't at home so he waited for a while and t-then l-left."

Mew's eye's narrowed, "Did he do something?"

"He pulled me in his lap-"

"That freaking jerk. I'll kill him."

Gulf looked at him, "I immediately pulled away. I didn't-"

"I know, bub. I'm not angry at you. I'm angry with that jerk for touching you without your permission."

"Then he came today also. He said he wants to me be his special friend."

"Special friend?" Mew frowned.

"Y-Yeah. I said no and he said he wants to get close to me. I told him to get out then ge threatened me." Gulf whimpered.

"Bub, it's okay. I'm here for you. That scum won't lay even a finger on you."


"Promise, bun. I'll would kill him before he even touches you." Mew assured him.

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