Life Is Unfair

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"I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Gulf."

Gulf said, "No, it's not. I hurt you."

"You didn't mean to. I understand."

"Why do you understand everything? Why do forgive whatever I do?"

Mew looked at Gulf seriously, "What should I do then? Should I get angry when I know it's not your fault?"


"Gulf, rather than getting angry and fighting with each other, don't you think it would be better if we talked about what's troubling you?"

Gulf lied, "There's no such thing."

"We both know something is wrong but if you need some time to open up about it, it's fine by me."

"Mew, you're too good to be real."

He chuckled at that, "I know I'm irresistible."

"That ego of yours. Now go else you'll be late for work."

Mew was quite happy because he had been made permanent employee. His hard work was paying off little by little. He was working on large amount of files on his desk when the team leader came to introduce a new employee. Their team leader was going to transfer to the main office so someone was going to replace him.

"Good morning guys, this is Tine, your new team leader."

Mew stared at his ex boyfriend standing right in front in absolute astonishment. Surprise and worry flashed across Tine's features as he took in Mew Suppasit working as a mere employee. He couldn't believe they were in the same company and same team too. There were lots of questions he wanted to ask Mew but refrained himself. Disclosing the fact that they had dated in past would do no good to either of them. It would only create am awkward atmosphere at the office.

It was afternoon, everyone had left fir lunch except Mew and Tine. They didn't know how to greet each other. They didn't know what they should be feeling seeing each other after months. Surprise was definitely high on the list but sadness was there too.

"Mew, why are you here?" Time asked.

"I work here."

"That I can see but why?"

"I thought you would already know."

"Why would-"

"My parents disowned me so I'm here."

Tine's eyes widened in shock, "What? Why?"

"They wanted me to divorce Gulf but I refused so they disowned me."

"But why- wha- they were the one who wanted you to marry him? We broke up because-" Tine took a deep breath. He felt overwhelmed. "What made them change their mind? Is Gulf not rich enough for them now?"

Mew could see how much this all affected Tine, "It's not because of money. It's personal. I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

"But I need- fine. I don't need to know what's going on in your life." Tine sighed.

"It's not like that, Tine. It's about-"

"I don't care whatever it is. I was just curious when I saw you here."

"I understand. So I think you don't want anyone here to know about our past, right?"


Mew nodded, "I agree."

"Let's just pretend we don't know each other."


Tine was still processing everything when he reached home. Wat called him few times but Tine was in his own world.

"Tine? Tine?"


"What has got you thinking like that? Anything happened?"

"I met Mew today."


"He's working in the same company and he's on the team I'm leading." Tine elaborated.

"Why is he working there? Isn't he super rich?"

"His parents disowned him."

"Oh. Tough luck."

Tine continued, "They wanted him to divorce Gulf but he refused so-" Tine took a shaky breath, "It shouldn't matter anymore but..... I just-"

"Tine, it's okay. Let it out. Don't keep it all inside." Wat pulled him in for a hug.

Tine babbled, "I feel so angry, Wat. I know I shouldn't but it feels so unfair. His parents broke us apart and forced him to marry Gulf and now they want them to divorce? Why?"


"Wat, it just feels so unfair. It has nothing to do with me anymore yet I find it disconcerting. Mew stood up to them, he took Gulf's side, he stayed by Gulf's side even though they disowned him. He did all of that, went against his parent's wishes. Why couldn't he do that for me? W-Why did he never stand up for m-me? Why did he let go of our relationship so easily? How could he let go of my hand like that?" Tine sobbed.

"Tine, babe it's all in past now. He was a coward-"

"But he's not anymore when it comes to his husband. I don't know why I'm acting like this."

Wat asked, "Do you still like him?"

Tine turned his head sharply, "No, absolutely not. I don't like him anymore. It just hurts, you know. Whatever I had with Mew is over but- I don't even know who I'm angry with. I just felt wronged somehow."

"Babe, I understand. It's excruciating to know that you weren't important enough for that person to fight for you."

"I desperately wanted him to fight for us but he didn't." Tine said in dejected tone.

Wat reasoned, "It's his loss. He lost someone as precious as you. Maybe it wasn't meant to be. Now he's happy with his husband, he had found his happiness so why are you the only one suffering like this? Let go of it, Tine."

"You're right. I was just being silly."

"No, you weren't. I'm glad you confided in me about your feelings."

Tine apologized, "I'm sorry, Wat. It was insensitive of me talking about my ex-"

Wat looked him in the eye, "Tine, I'm your boyfriend. You can talk about literally anything with me. I'll listen."

"How did I get-"

"Someone as hot as me."

"You've a really big ego." Tine chuckled.

"Of course, after all I have Tine Teepakorn as my boyfriend."

"Why don't you show your boyfriend how much you love him?" Tine teased him.

"You've your way with words." Wat carried him to the bedroom.

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