Annoying Bub

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"Why are you always at home, Gulf ?" Mew asked.

"Where else would I be?"

"Office. Work."


"Do you even work? Do you have a job?"

"I..... Um.... It's-"

"What the hell? You seriously don't have a job?"

"..... "

"Do you just sit at home and do nothing?"

"It's not like that."

"Why don't you work in your father's company?"

"I don't want to."

"Oh really? What do you want to do then?"

"I'm not sure."

"I know you're very rich but still shouldn't you work?"

Gulf sulked, "It's none of your business."

"Yeah right, it's none of my business that I'm stuck with a useless husband."

"Don't call me useless."

"What else should I call you? The more I know you, the less I like you."

"You don't have to like me."

"Trust me, as your personality is, no one ever would."

That line hit Gulf hard because he knew it was so true. "I don't want to talk with you."

"Like I care. You're nothing but a burden."

Gulf felt angry and hurt because Mew was always so mean to him even though he did his best not to trigger him. He was sulking in his room and Mew went out to meet Tine. Gulf could hear his conversation and it was enough to figure out he was talking with his boyfriend. He tried to block out the hurt he felt when he thought about being left alone. He had no right to feel that. He thought of going out to get fresh air. It was a bit suffocating to stay in his room all day.

He went to the park and sat there looking at people have fun. It calmed him to just look at others going on about their day. It made him wonder what sort of life they all lived, the struggles they went through, the sadness they must be hiding behind their smiles. It was amusing to watch people go on living even with weights crushing their soul. It kinda made him feel less lonely, like he wasn't the only one suffering.

It was getting late so he headed back to his apartment when a strange guy started whistling at him. Gulf felt uncomfortable so he quickened his pace but the man started following him. Gulf was scared out of his mind, he was almost running to his apartment. He reached the door and was putting in the door passcode when he couldn't remember what it was. His hands were shaking and he could feel sweat forming on his forehead but for the sake of his life he couldn't remember what the passcode was.

Soon the fear wiped away any logical reasoning and he felt himself regress due to stress and fear. He somehow dialed Mew's number and kept crying and mumbling. Mew was currently showering at Tine's place when his phone rang. Tine picked up the phone and debates whether to pick up the call or not. He let it ring for a minute but decided to answer it at last.

"Hello." Tine said.

"Mewie." Gulf mumbled.

"Huh? Who's this?"

"Mewie come home."

Tine was shocked at the sobbing he could hear, "Are you okay?"

"No. Gulfie not okay."

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