~Chapter 20~

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~Third P.O.V~

Waking up on a bright sunny morning, Eric excitedly jogged to the balcony expecting to see Stella as usual but, he saw no one.

A frown braced his pale face, deciding to wait.

Maybe I woke up early.

He thought, but upon seeing the time which read a quarter past seven, he shook his head.

She usually leaves at seven on the dot.

Realizing that he's missed her and it being the first time, he let out a groan.

Good work on missing a perfectly gorgeous woman, Eric

' Tell me about it. '

' How the hell are you up so early? '

' The brain wakes earlier than-'

' Yeah yeah yeah, be quiet. Allow me to wallow in my despair alone '

After shushing Brain, he strolled to the bathroom and took a long bath.

After that, Eric quickly dried his hair with a towel, putting on a pink shirt with a white bunny on the front and black shorts.

He ran a hand over his hair, hissing as they tangled up on his fingers.

" Damn you, curly hair. "

Eric groaned, wearing a pair of white slippers. He descended downstairs, passing by Stella's room and immediately caught her scent. He drew in a long breath, marvelling over the sweet fragrance, which no Parisian perfume could compare with.

Standing in a daze while hungrily taking in her scent, his desires urged him to enter her room and feast more.

Realizing how his mind has wondered far, he immediately scolded himself.

Thinking of the possibilities of getting caught and how humiliating the situation would be, he took a sharp turn away from her room.

' But you two are married! '

' Yeah, only for a month and a half. That doesn't give me the right to venture into her room and sniff her clothes, her bed, basically anything that can be sniffed. Gosh I sound like a pervert '

He sighed.

And considering the circumstances of how we got married, I'll be lucky if she lets me get close to her.

Now pressured with the thought of not being able to start over again, he made up his mind to wake up extra early the next morning to meet up with her.

He was going to convince her for a fresh start.

Eric thought of how she goes to work early and always coming back late. His heart grew heavy with concern.

What if her body can't handle the pressure anymore? What if she falls sick?

Those questions rang through his head as he got to the last floor.

" Morning Eric. "
Anne greeted, with a bright smile before rushing inside the kitchen.

" Morning Anne. "
Eric replied, following her.

He drew out a stool from the kitchen island but halted, catching sight of what Anne was making for breakfast.

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