~Chapter 1~

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~Third P.O.V~


" I can't believe you would continue to do this to me Ken, to our children. "

A woman yelled in agony, pointing to a man in front of her. Her blonde hair flew in all directions as her face stained with tears.

" Well, what did you expect? You are never at home, it's your fault this is happening. It's your fault our marriage is a mess. "

The man's voice, rang out with an accusing tone, pointing to the woman in front of him.

He is Mr. Kenneth Moorea, a wealthy business man and the lady, his wife a famous model, Mrs. Bridget Moorea.

" Don't you dare blame this on me. You should know how tiring modeling is. Even at that, I find time to spend with the kids, but where do you go. To meet that whore."
Mrs. Bridget yelled, glaring at her husband.

In anger he threw a wine glass at the door.


" Don't you dare call her that. "
Mr. Kenneth growl out, earning a horrified gasp from his wife.

Upstair, in a well decorated bedroom, a ten year old girl held onto her five year old sister, as they laid on a pink bed.

Confused at why her parents were yelling at each other, the five year old asked her elder sister.

" Ella, why is mummy and daddy shouting. " she asked, pouting.

Stella let out a sigh, staring into her sister's beautiful brown eyes. Brown eyes, she and their seven months old brother inherited from their father.
While her, on the other hand, inherited all of her mother's look.

Stella knew her sister was too little, to understand what was happening and knew she'd have to lie to cover it up.

" It's nothing, their just messing around okay. "
She said, giving her sister a small smile, brushing her brown hair.

But it didn't erase the frown from her face.

" Ivy, mummy and daddy loves you. When they stop__messing around, I'll tell them to buy you and little Ethan, your favorite chocolate ice cream later, okay. " Ivy's eyes, immediately lit up at the mention of ice cream and she rapidly nodes her head, excitedly.

"Okay" she giggled.

The girls parents kept on arguing and shouting at each other.
Stella, who was old enough to understand everything, let's out a sad sigh. She forced down every nerves to go down and stop them, as the promise she made to her mother, rang in her ears.

Stella knew it was about their father's affair, with his secretary. It always has been, ever since her mother caught them in the act.

Ten year old Stella knew that, even with her mother's tight schedule, she finds time to spend with her kids. Unlike her father, who became a different person after having an encounter, with his secretary.

He promised to change, but that change was far from reach.

It's his fault mom cries herself to sleep. All his fault.

She thought.

" I've had enough of all this argument Bridget. Here, "
Her husband said, slamming a document on the kitchen table.

" Sign it. " he added.

Stella frowned, wondering what her father meant.

" You_You want a divorce? "
Mrs. Bridget gasp and so did Stella.

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