~Chapter 19~

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~Third P.O.V~

Eric stared wide eyes at Stella, dumbfounded.

Never in a million years would he have imagined that his childhood best friend, who he thought he would never see again, would be the one he's married to.

The one he's been having sleepless night for, is the same as the little girl he loved dearly.

The one acting cold towards him, the one who despises him, was his sweet, fun and loving childhood best friend and crush.

How is this possible?

She is nothing like the Stella he knew.

Even though, they have some like features which are either looking mature or dull like, the aura around her no longer is welcoming.

He observed the domineering woman, sitting right beside him.

Her ones light dirty blonde hair, now has a darker shade. Her ones sparkling blue eyes, now dull with no spec of light in them. Her ones porcelain skin, now dangerously tan.

Eric swallowed, his eyes glued to her exposed neck.

I guess, both have same effect on me

" But, how did the sweet, innocent Stelly become such a cold..." He trailed on his word, as Stella's face became dark.

"... I mean... became you. "
He grinned, awkwardly.

Stella gave him, a long sharp look and he gulp.

Where is my sweet, nice Stelly?

He lamented.

" I stopped believing in fantasies and accepted reality. "

Her cold voice rang in his ears.

Eric slump down in his seat, processing everything.

He thought of all their happy moments together, how he sought comfort and happiness in her. She was everything to him and more.

But then she left.

That day was the saddest day of his life. Watching the person he cares so much about leave, not knowing when they'll see each other again.

He let out a sigh, staring at his plate.

He remembered how he kept thinking of her. Going to their secret spot, putting on a smile, talking to himself while staring at the spot she always sat on and pretending she was there with him.

He wished she could come back but, she never came.

A year later, whether it was the harsher treatment he got or the way Anthony kept reminding him that, she'll never come back to a loser like him and he'll be all alone for the rest of his life, he gave up on her coming back.

Who knows if she'd forgotten him?

In highschool he met Sandra, she soon became his new best friend.

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