Author's Note

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Hi friends, 

I'm going to try to republish Unconditional Submission on Wattpad as a prerequisite for the sequel, Unconditional Dominance, (which I'll be publishing soon). If you've been reading Unconditional Submission on Inkitt all this time, then don't worry about reading it here. I just want everyone to have access to it before I post the sequel. 

I'm also sorry for not completing the rewrite of Little Lucy. I have a lot of personal issues with that story and would just love to light it on fire if I could. Since it's on my computer, however, I'll just have to delete it and hopefully find it as satisfying lol. 

I appreciate everyone's patience. I know the sequel for Unconditional Submission has been coming for a couple of years now. Thanks for giving me the time to figure out how to write the damn thing; I honestly had no idea how it was going to go up until a month or so ago.



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