I would risk it all for him

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"You monster!That's your wife!You killed your wife!" I yell, my vision blurring as I watch them carry my mother away. Knowing I was completely helpless.

"No, I did not" he fixes his gaze on me "You did" 

"no" I breath out "you didn't have to kill her"

"You killed them all Rose, you killed Aidan" he puts a finger down like he was counting "and Chris" he puts another finger down "and Lena" another one "your mother" he looks down at his 4 fingers that were now down. "Oh look at that, there's still one left" he smirks 

I didn't know how, but somehow in that moment I knew exactly what he was going to do.

My feet literally bolted to sam. I ran in front of Sam; shielding him "Don't you dare touch him" I scowl and I feel Sam tense behind me.

He's letting me cover him.

I feel him hand me something and put it into the palm of my hand, I squeeze it trying to figure out what it is.

When I felt it a bit more, it had a very familiar shape.

A haunting shape.

A dagger.

I almost drop it then and there, memories flushing through my mind like never-ending trauma. 

He seriously had to give me the one weapon I couldn't use. 

I took a deep, shaky breath in then out. "You come near us, and I kill you" I threaten, holding out the dagger and pointing it directly at him

"We both know you can't use that" despite my warning, he took a step forward "considering that's the very weapon Aidan was killed with" he said with no remorse in his tone

He really could not care less could he?


If I was here, still alive and breathing. He needed me for something, meaning he doesn't want me to die yet.

Reluctantly, I hold the dagger to my own throat "I'll do it" I say "I swear I will"

Something in my father's eyes changes, shock maybe?


"You wouldn't" he glares at me

Sam didn't say a word.

"Oh I would, you need me.If I die it would ruin your stupid plans wouldn't it?" I question "I was always supposed to die, at the right time of course" I slowly start moving the dagger, digging it into my own skin.

But I didn't show any signs of pain.

"Stop" I hear a familiar voice say urgently. 

The only light in the room falls on Tyler and I almost gasp seeing him.

"Tyler?" a single tear falls onto my cheek and I swear I see the top of his mouth tilt up a bit into a smile. 

"oh great, now that we have everyone here the real fun begins" he nods to Sam and he grabs the dagger out of my hand and I felt a sudden jolt of pain flow through me. 

I look down at my arm, he had stuck the dagger into my arm.

I give sam a 'why?' look as I fall to the ground.

"What was in that?" I struggle to form words

"Pain"my father says

I see Tyler start forward, but instantly being pulled back by a pair of strong arms. "Get the fuck off me" he growls and elbows them hard enough that they fall to the ground.

Lot's of other giant people circle him and he fights through them easily.

The pain only got worse and worse.

I scream at the immense pain shooting through me and I see Tyler tense slightly and stop to look at me.

That seems to have caught him off guard, I see the side of his jaw clench and he falls to his knees and someone puts something round his wrists and puts them behind his back. 

This time he doesn't fight it, why?

Screams followed by screams escape my mouth without me meaning them to. I didn't even realise I was now on the ground.

"Stop, STOP!" Tyler demands

"The pain will only get worse unless she gets the cure" my father grins, as if watching me in pain amused him.


"It hurts, please it hurts" tears flooded my eyes, he was right. The pain seemed to be growing.

I tilt my wet face up to Tyler who was giving me a sympathetic look as he tried to get out of the holders grasp.

I knew it was no use, no matter how strong Tyler was. My father always made sure if you were in. There was no getting out.

I hear the familiar click of a gun. pointed directly at Tyler's head. 

I felt the bile rising up into my throat. My heart might as well just stop right here and now. Because that's what I felt was happening. 

Tyler on the other hand looked perfect calm.

"Please no, don't do it don't to it please" my voice sounds broken up "I beg you, I'll do anything. Anything" I plead "I'll stop fighting, I'll let you do anything you want with me. Just please, please don't kill him" I sob "Please just put the gun down"

"Rose, no" Tyler gives me a not so reassuring smile.

Seriously? He decides to smile now?

"You would seriously risk it all for him?" my father questions

"Yes, I would" I say in complete confidence, still feeling the torture going on in my body and mind.

My father shakes his head in disappointment  "Erasing your memories for nothing" he sighs "What a shame, his father will be very displeased to hear all our hard work hasn't payed off"

"What?" Tyler grits, a scowl on his face

"Don't you remember, Jake?" my father asks, calling him by his childhood name "You're mother and sister would be so disappointed to see what you've become" 

"Don't you dare put their names in your mouth" Tyler snarls "Don't even mention them you sick fuck"

"You never did have manners" 

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