Remember me

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I couldn't even tell if the voice was female or male, it sounded so broken up I could barely tell what they were saying.

Is this some kind of joke?

A prank maybe?

Yeah, it was probably a prank. Why would they say I can't trust anyone? Has someone been spying on me?

That's funny, that can't be true.

I'm not gonna tell my siblings about this with a chance that it's probably fake. Especially with our father making his first appearance. This can't be good.

I push all those thoughts aside, sit by a wall and open up the journal that Greyson gave me.


November 19th 2010

It's going well, they're training. They are going to be the strongest of all time.

December 25th 2010

I don't understand why Christmas is so important to some individuals.

March 11th 2011

Marcus wants to discuss something, like hell if he thinks I'm going to show up.

August 21st 2011

Rose turns 4 today

September 15th 2015

Marcus again, this time I'm going.

September 20th 2015

For once Marcus had something important to say. She's going to regret that.

September 21st 2015

Problem solved, she's forgotten about that boy. She'll stay unconscious for a while. Oh Rose.

August 1st 2016

We left.

As I finished reading the last words oh the paper, I heard someone walk in. But I didn't react i didn't even look up.

I was still trying to come to terms with what my father wrote in his journal. What boy did he mean? What did I forget?

Has he been messing with my mind?

"What are you reading Rosie?" said a familiar husky voice

This time I did look up. My eyes were met with a pair of pale green eyes.

"First don't call me Rosie, and second why are you here Tyler?" I ask

"You don't  need to be all cranky I didn't know you would be here" he rolls his eyes

"Then leave" I snap back

He doesn't say anything, instead he sits next to me "is that a journal"

"I thought I told you to leave" I snark

"Who's journal is that?" he avoids my comment

"Since when do you care" I sigh

Once again he doesn't respond. He looks down at the floor and starts fiddling with something in his hands.

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