I hate you

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POV: Elliot

"Cover me will you" Tyler asks, or commands? I don't even know.

I honestly don't know how Tyler managed to sneak these controllers in but oh well. I'm not here to ask questions. We have lots of free time anyway, we finished our history project anyway.

Blood squirts and covers the screen as the words 'you're dead' appear in big letters.

"I thought you were covering me!" Tyler groans

"I was, you need to be a bit faster next time" I say

The door opens and Andrew bursts in "Guys we have a MASSIVE problem" he breathes out

"You know the-the um project that I was supposed to hand in yesterday" he says

"Yeah" we both reply

"And you know the part where I was supposed to finish my part"


"Well" he chuckles slightly which soon turns into a frown that I'm sure is fake "I may have kind of lost it"

"You what!" Tyler questions

Why am I not surprised?

"Mhm sooo we're gonna have to redo it" he smiles

"Not we, you caused this" I remind him

"Yes but I was hoping since were such great friends that you would help" he grins hopefully

"Absolutely not" Tyler says

"Fine" I say

Tyler turns to me, utter shock on his face "You what?" he asks "You are not volunteering for us"

"I am actually, Andrew we both will help" I say and I see Tyler scowl

"WOOHOO" Andrew exclaims "Also I invited some extra hands already because I knew you would agree"

"Who did you invite?" I ask

"Um I invited Maya, Daisy and Rose"

"No" Tyler says rather sternly

"Why not?" Andrew asks desperately



"Because she will be there" he says looking down at the floor

How did I know he was gonna say that?

"Yeah yeah same old same old blah blah blah you hate her, but don't whatever" Andrew rolls his eyes "I like her, she's actually a good friend unlike some people"

"Except he doesn't hate her" I say as if it was the most obvious thing.

It kind of is.

Tyler doesn't respond to that.

"Don't you Tyler?" I say again

"I'm gonna go shower, invite them over if you want. I couldn't care less" Tyler says completely avoiding my question

He picks up a towel and throws it over his shoulder before opening the door to the bathroom and slamming it shut.

"You know I'm starting to think he really does hate her" Andrew sighs

"No he doesn't, not really. She just makes him feel things that he's claimed don't exist" I say

"Then again, there's a very thin line between hatred and love."


POV: Rose

I collapse onto my bed, taking in the few seconds I have of rest.

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