Chapter 79

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"I really want to know who she is!", Anna huffed.

That's when a throat clearing interrupted our conversation.

We turned around and froze the moment we saw the person standing a few feet away from our bench.


Oh god!

Did he hear everything we just talked about?

Anna and I shared a quick glance and looked back at him.

"H-Hey Dyl!", I greeted him with a supposedly normal smile.

I facepalmed internally for the slight stutter.

He raised a brow at me and then looked at Anna.

"W-What are you doing here?", Anna asked and I'm pretty sure she is screaming at herself internally for the stutter.

"I should be the one asking that.", Dylan said calmly.

Why is he calm?


He generally is calm.

Maybe I'm overthinking.

"We have a free hour so-", Anna was saying but he cut her off.

"It's lunch break now.", he said.

We looked at our watch and realized it really is lunch break now.

"Don't skip your lunch. Go and eat.", he said seriously.

"Okay.", I replied and both of us stood up.

We walked to him and he started walking towards the cafeteria.

Did he not hear anything?

Why is he so calm and casual?

I looked at Anna and she looked at me with a small frown, gesturing to me to ask if he heard something.

I gestured back at her to ask him but she shook her head firmly and pointed at me to ask.


I guess I'll have to be the sacrificial lamb.

I took a deep breath and reminded myself to sound casual.

"Dyl", I called out.

He just hummed as a response.

"For how long were you standing behind our bench?", I asked.

He looked at me with a raised brow.

"Why? Were you both discussing something I shouldn't know?", he asked.

"What? No. Not at all. I was just asking.", I said quickly with a nervous chuckle.

Anna looked at me with wide eyes and shook her head a little.

I guess my reaction was nowhere near normal.

Dylan stopped, turned completely towards us and looked at both of us seriously.

"Why are you both being weird?", he asked suspiciously.

"We are not. You're just imagining things.", Anna said.

"Were you both planning to do something you shouldn't be doing?", he asked with narrowed eyes, not hiding the suspicious edge to his tone.

"Of course not! We were just talking about girl things.", I said.

"Yeah. We were just asking if you heard because we felt a little awkward about you listening to it.", Anna said without a gap.

"Whatever. Don't get in unnecessary trouble. You don't want to get punished now, do you?", he asked with a bored look.

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