Chapter 54

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"What's the matter between dad and you?", Anna asked.

I froze in my spot and didn't look at her. Instead I'm still staring at the sky.

I know she would definitely ask me that question but I didn't think it would be this soon.


What should I tell her?

Should I tell the truth?

Would she believe me over her father?

She may but am I ready to share it?


"Our relationship is um you know uh a little rocky.", I said, choosing my words carefully.

"Why?", she asked looking at me but I still didn't look at her.

I took a deep breath.

"We had some um some situations in the past.", I replied.

"Situations that made you scared of him?", she asked and I looked at her surprised.

"Don't be so surprised. I am not blind, Angel. I can clearly see fear and hesitance in you whenever dad is around.", she said sighing and looked back at the sky.

I took a breath and looked straight at nothing in particular.

"I observed it whenever dad was home but I didn't ask you because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. But today after seeing you I couldn't stop myself from asking you.", she said and paused.

"Do you trust me, Angel?", she asked softly.

"You already know the answer to that.", I said staring straight at the sky.

"Then, can you tell me what exactly is wrong?", she asked.

I sighed and moved closer to her.

I placed my head on her shoulder and hooked my right arm with her left one, staring ahead.

"It's not about trust, Anna. It's about my lack of courage to open up.", I said in a low voice.

"I don't want the complete details, Angel. I just want to know about your relationship with dad. How good or bad is it?", she asked softly, rubbing small circles on my palm and staring at the sky.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Is it okay to tell her a little?

What would dad think?

Will he think that I purposefully destroyed his impression on Anna?

He already warned me not to hurt her.

But I also know that these questions from Anna are inevitable. Sooner or later she will get a clue of what is happening.

So, why not tell her some part of it so that she will stop thinking about this situation!

"We are not in um talking terms. We, most of the time tend to avoid each other.", I said carefully choosing my words.

I don't want to offend her by speaking wrong about her father who has been nothing but loving to her.

Also I am scared about his reaction if I ever choose to tell her how he treated me all my life.

"I can see that. I am asking why?", she asked.

"He is not fond of me. Uh no I mean we are not fond of each other.", I said and immediately rephrased my statement.

"I am asking why?", she asked again.

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